4~8~13 : Managing Tasks

Ah yes, another day at Ideal. On my way inside the building I saw Sylvia talking to a man from DTE Energy about her car, the Chevy Volt. I didn’t get into the conversation, but after she was done talking I went up to her and said hello. We talked about the weekend while walking into the ADMIN office.
            I saw Amanda at her desk working and she greeted us. I was going to pick on her, but it was too early in the morning to start a fight. Sylvia, Amanda, and I all sat down at our desks and started to greet one another. I then went to check my e-mail. My inbox wasn’t very full but I did receive some important messages. Then I saw a message that made me very sad, but it’s confidential. It was then when Sylvia talked to me about some tasks I was going to do. She gave me some tasks like matching glove, organizing some of the folders in the directory, and creating a new metric based spreadsheet. I, then, went off to my duties.
            First, I matched up gloves so the individual gloves were made into pairs by matching them to one another. This wasn’t so hard and it was fun to move around. After I did this Sylvia told me to put them in a bag with some other items and put them in her car. When I got back, she talked to me about some files that are to be named correctly and put in the correct folders the files belong in. She also talked to me about a spreadsheet I was to design for information on the Clean-Up on Merritt Street. I didn’t understand what she was asking at first but I asked questions and finally realized my tasks’ procedure. The files were easy to handle, but I always had trouble starting spreadsheets on Microsoft Excel. I studied a sample of what Sylvia had in mind and tried to duplicate the main points of the sample. This took more time than expected, but I eventually got the job done.
            After I was done I had received some other small tasks that she wanted me to finish. I was starving for lunch, but I knew this was more important. I was just going to scan some items and organize them into some folders. I had to do some things I wasn’t familiar with, but I was able to complete the job. I was then headed out to lunch. While I went to lunch Osmara came into the office as she usually does. This meant that I had to change desks with someone but I didn’t know who. I went to Marketing, put my stuff down, and sat in a desk that was, sadly, empty. I grabbed my backpack and some paper and went off to lunch.
            I took my break at the Conference Room. The room was empty so I got to pick any chair I desired. I put my lunch down and went to the shop to buy a Diet Pepsi. When I got back I started eating. Shortly after Virginia came in and ate with me. Then some other co-workers joined and ate with me. I liked eating with other people from Ideal because the conversations were interesting. I sat there while people talked about the teams they were rooting for. Then Sylvia came in with a folder and talked to me about being a manager of an event about a university coming to clean Cadillac Urban Gardens and Scarcyny Park. The event was going to be on every Wednesday and that is my work day. I knew this was going to be good for my profile, but I didn’t know if I could handle it.
After lunch I grabbed my stuff and went to talk about it with Sylvia. She was having a meeting with Frank so I went to my desk and started on some other things. Later, I talked to her about it and was glad to be a part of it.
The rest of my day was full of small but busy tasks. I finished my day with a smile and was happy to complete another day at Ideal.


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