4~24~13 : A Bluebird's Recycled House
Hello fellow reader. As I walked into Ideal today I saw Marty Venegas coming in and I greeted him. Then I walked to the ADMIN office and saw Sylvia and Amanda at their desks. I said, “Hello!” to both of them and we talked about our mornings. After, I checked into work and started to log onto my computer. After I logged on I was given a sheet that had my tasks written down by Sylvia. I liked how my day was planned out for me because I work better like that.
After I read my list I talked to Sylvia about what was in store for me. Before going to the garden with University Preparatory Academy I was told that there were going to be some people coming in from the Kellogg Foundation to take some picture of me working at Ideal. They wanted some information on what the students from Cristo Rey do with the help of the Corporate Work Study Program. They came around nine and I put on my best looking face while they took pictures of me working. I wasn’t camera shy but I was scared that they took a nasty looking picture of me. After they left I took care of some tasks and was ready to leave to the garden.
I went to change and headed out to the garden where I saw Sarah Clark and some students. It was sprinkling rain and was cold out but I was glad to help some students. The students were there because they wanted to help out the community and the fact that they weren’t here because they were forced makes me really happy. I worked with some kids passing out flyers on Merrit, Plumer, and Brandon St. The flyers were for the tree dedication on April 27, 2013. After we passed out the flyers I helped with some of the compost spreading. While I did this I saw some of the students go inside for a presentation about recycling. I invited everyone to come into the building to listen to this presentation. We were taught about several facts about how much waste we produced and how we can get better at conserving for the better.
After this meeting I went to eat at El Rancho with Sylvia and Sarah. I ate enchiladas with rice and beans. It was a really good meal because I was starving. While we were there we talked about our recent activities and what we accomplished at the garden. After some time we all finished our meals and left.
When I got back to the Ideal Group I went to my desk and started some research about bluebirds. I did this because John Bradburn created a model house for the Bluebird and Sylvia wanted me to learn how we can tweak the design. I did my research and I had to write a story about how John came up with this idea. I wrote, “John Bradburn came up with a brilliant idea to create a house for bluebirds out of recycled Chevy Volt battery cases. After his research on the bluebird, he built a model. This project completely describes how John is a man of sustainability and how he gives to the community. He sustained and recycled what was going to soon be in a landfill and put it right where it can be used for better. The model is built to fit the needs of the bluebird and he put in one of his own ideas. He put in some hardware cloth, )looks like screens), on one of the walls of the inside of the house so when the birds hatch they can have something to climb to help them learn how to stay up on their own. This idea is one of the many examples of how John sustains the community and recycles in his own way.”
After this I went to finish other tasks. I left with a good idea of what I would be doing in the future.
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