Today was a productive day at Ideal. I began filing PDPM and hard dollar folders, it took me a second to file them. When I was done I saw a stack of invoices sitting on my table. It was a big pile so it took me a while to do them. Once I was done filing, Chelsea had material checks for me to do and I started right away. Once I was done, there were 4 checks that needed invoices attached to them, but since Terry is on vacation I let the checks sit there until Monday so she could see them. The other checks were left at Rachael’s desk since she left Ideal early.
Lunch came and I went downstairs with Perez, there was one slice of pizza left, so I took it. We had a good talk with the new intern upstairs about what college is like and plans we had. Then it was 1 o’clock so it was time to work again.
There was more PDPM and hard dollar to be filed so I went and did it. When I was done I asked Kevin if he needed help on anything, he put me to work archiving some folders that he had in his office. Overall, my day went great.
Jose Ptino
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