My day went by very slow today. I started by putting my lunch in the fridge and on my way there Amanda said hello to me. Afterwards, I went to talk to Tony on what he wanted me to do for the day. He gave me the task to look for some drawings in a bid website. I had only done this a few times but I was confident that I could do it. I went downstairs and grabbed myself a cup of coffee and went to sit down at my desk. I turned on my computer and got started on my work.

                I went upstairs for my next task which was to print out some drawings. The printer ran out of paper. It seems like I was always changing the paper. When I finally got the printer to work, I started making all the copies and then went to lunch. At lunch, I sat with Jose Patino and we talked about the party in the park we were going to on Saturday. We also talked about homecoming and what we were planning to do. After lunch, I went to do my work up stairs and getting all the drawings together so I can turn them in to Tony. Overall my day went well. 


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