Jacqueline Perez-10.08.13 :)

Jacqueline Perez October 8, 2013
            Similar to yesterday, I had a great day here at Ideal. I worked with Jennifer, Kelly and Sean today. On top of that I had to help people in the office print because the computers wouldn't let anyone print except Amanda Kowalski and me.
             Today I helped Jennifer with filing and entering invoices in the Chrysler website. With Kelly I did electronically scanning, something that I have never done before. I helped Sean with Drop Ship PO’s that I did need some help with since I hadn't done them in a while. So I was kind of busy today but I got everything accomplished.
            For lunch, I had a chicken sandwich with carrots and tomatoes that Sylvia and Chris picked from the Cadillac Urban Garden. I do plan on bringing my mom to the garden and getting some vegetables. I have taken my family there a couple of times and they seem to enjoy going and picking out some of the fruits, vegetables and the lovely flowers. It’s very well kept and it’s great to get fresh fruit and vegetables.

I had an amazing day working with Jennifer, Kelly, and Sean along with the great lunch I ate. It  has indeed been a great day at Ideal.


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