Busy Friday

I came to Ideal tired, since I had a game last night, but we won. The first thing I did was to get a cup of coffee to pump up my day a little. I saw material checks in my desk, so I went ahead and did them, It took me a while, Chelsea wanted me to go downstairs and get some checks signed ASAP and mail them in the morning. I continue doing material checks and finally I was done. There were checks missing there back up so I went to Terry to help me find them. While she was looking for the invoices I started to file last week invoices very quick. Finally, we found all the back up and gave them to Rachael

Lunch came and I went and had lunch with Jose Perez. We had good talk about going to the park Saturday and homecoming. I wasn’t that hungry, all I ate was cookies that Perez gave me. We had a long break so it was time to get to work.

I went upstairs and Bonnie asked me if I could help her. She had me mail invoices, then when I was finished with Bonnie stuff there were PDPM and hard dollar folders to be file. So I went ahead and did them. Finally I went and did the mail, since it was sitting there on Bonnie desk. Overall, my day went great

Jose Patino


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