Jacqueline Perez-My Monday Rotation

Jacqueline Perez-November 4, 2013
            It was an exceptional Monday here at Ideal. It’s my Monday rotation which I actually forgot about. I thought I was only coming tomorrow, on my usual work day.
Today I worked with Jennifer. I filed a lot of invoices and sorted mail. It’s something that I do a lot so it’s not difficult. While Jennifer was vouchering I filed the ones that were vouchered. So it worked perfectly.

For lunch I had a Strawberry and Peanut Butter sandwich.  Before I ate my lunch I went to the garden with Christopher. I picked tomatoes, peppers, and yellow beans. I know my mom will be happy that we went because she doesn’t always have the time to go to the garden. She likes to feed us fresh vegetables so she loves going. I also got very sleepy after my lunch but I kept working. Other than that my day was great.


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