
Today was a busy Monday at Ideal, mostly I did filing all day, mailed out invoices and checks and went to a meeting with Julie and Kevin.
I came to Ideal and I started to file invoices that I left on my desk from last Friday. It took me a while, since it was a big stack of invoices. When I was done there was PDPM and hard dollar folders that I needed to file. When I was all done with my task I went to the conference room with Julie and Kevin to see what they were talking about. They were going through jobs and projects they have been working on and making sure how much money they were spending, they were also making some corrections.
Lunch came and we had Pizza again, I can’t complain, food is food but pizza every day is no good for you, so I tried not to eat a lot. Jose wasn’t here today so I just stayed at my desk and had my lunch there.
There were more invoices to file, so I continued filing. Maria wanted me to seal and stamp checks and mail them out, when I was done, I helped Bonnie mail out invoices. Overall, it was a good day at Ideal.

Jose Patino


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