Today went by very fast. Ideal Group was the same always and I headed towards my desk. I had some prints to do before I could do anything else I got that done. First, I took the drawings to Abel and made sure everything was correct. After I went to talk to Eddy out in the shop about what we were going to for work the next day. He said he would find out and let me know. I then went back to the office and did some filing for Ideal Setech.
I then went to lunch and it went very well I had pizza with the guys in the shop and had a talk about a few things. I then went to sit with Jose and talked about plans for the weekend. I was excited to see what was going to happen this weekend so I can make plans. When I went back to work Tony emailed me to get some drawing plotted for him. I went upstairs and got the prints head to the printer and got them to the right size.

                I was thinking that the day was going by very fast and I checked my clock; it was almost time to go. When I realized I didn't’t have enough time left I hurried to do the rest of the work. I got all my work done and was happy to say I felt accomplished.  My day went by great and I can’t wait to be back Monday.


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