
Showing posts from March, 2014

Monday. By Richard Zarate

  Today when I got here, I said hi to Brad and Callan. I went to my desk and checked my email. I went to go say hi to Amanda and asked her for some work. She assigned me some labels to do. I did the labels fast. Later Kelly sent me an email to help her. She wanted me to print out some copies of the 2014 GM Supplier OF The Year flyers and to hang them around the Building. Osmara sent me a photo she took during the clean up. After I finished, Kelly asked me to mail out some postcards for her. I had to put the labels on the postcards and I shipped them out. Then it was time for lunch.   When I got back, I went to my desk. I went to go ask Osmara for some work and she told me I could help her make a picture collage. I started by finding some photos of the clean up and picking the best one's. Then I started to making the collage. I never realize how hard it was to make one. Sometimes the pictures wouldn't show fully. Osmara reminded me to begin write my blog, she told me she was g...


Today was a good very good day.  I had so much to do and stayed busy all day. I started out by helping accounting since everyone was out of the office and I couldn’t help the project manager’s office.  I went and helped Kelly with the billing and did some of the filing for Ideal Setech. I grabbed a cup of coffee and spent my morning looking for everything that I need to bill.                 Lunch time came and Chris Prebenda was nice enough to get me some fish and chips from Oblivions.  I sat at my desk for a while and then went to Sean so he can help me with my math homework. I had a really good time since I was able to learn how to solve all my problems. When lunch came to an end, I went to the admin office to talk to Sylvia but she was in a meeting, but Osmara asked me for help.                 I spent all my after...


Today went pretty good, even though I was feeling sick. When I walked into the office, I saw material checks on my desk. It wasn’t a big pile like usual, so I took my time doing them. When I was done with the material checks, I put them in a cabinet near Maria desk, since she didn’t came today. I saw PDPM and hard dollar folders, so I decided to file them very quickly. Then I went to Bob, and he had a few tasks for me. He printed papers so I could put them in a folder, once that was done he had me do blueprints and then organize them well. Lunch came, I told Bonnie to bring cheese fries since she was going out to eat. While I was waiting for her, I was working on the blueprints still. My cheese fries finally came and overall I had good meal. It was time to keep working. I was finally done with Bob tasks, the only thing left to do was continue working on Joe’s project that I been doing for him. I had a few things done. I went and showed it to him, he gave me a few comments but over...

3-26-14 by Richard Zarate

  Today when I got here, I said hi to Andrea and Callan. I went to go sit in my desk. I went to Amanda for work and she assigned me labels. I finished the labels, but I couldn't find the postcards. I asked Amanda if she knew where they were. She didn't know where the postcards. I went upstairs to Contracting, I asked Bonnie if she had work for me. She told me to file a big stack of papers. It took me a while but I finished. Bonnie then asked me to make a few labels and to send out some letters. I got to finish the labels, then it was time for lunch.   I had a sandwich, yogurt, and fruit for lunch. After I finished lunch, Virginia asked me to unload the dishwasher. After I finished, I went back to my desk and saw a pile of postcards that needed to be mailed out. I mailed out the postcards and then I found the postcards for the earlier labels. I mailed those out too. Sylvia introduced me to Kelly, Kelly taught me how to clean the fish tank glass, and she told me, we are going t...

Jacqueline Perez - March 25, 2014

Jacqueline Perez – March 25, 2014                         I’ve had a very interesting day at work. I felt sick throughout the day and I might be getting a cold, but besides that it went pretty well. I helped scan Purchase Orders in for Shield and helped out Theresa. In the morning I sorted invoices and vouchered them for Setech and after vouchering I filed. Then I helped Theresa look up addresses that were incorrect and mail her invoices.             Today I had enchiladas for lunch. I had asked my mom to pack me something different today and I’m glad I did. They were really good. I had fruit and water on the side. After lunch, I helped Theresa update her spread sheet of past due invoices. For the most part it was a fine day. 

Jacqueline Perez - March 24, 2014

Jacqueline Perez – March 24, 2014             I’ve had an amazing day at work. Today I worked alongside Kelly and Theresa. I began my day by filing invoices for Setech and vouchering them. Then, sorted the invoices we received that day into the proper slot.             For lunch, I had a cheese pizza with cheese-it crackers on the side. I also looked over my grades during lunch and realized I have all A’s except for one B. I am very proud of my grades and hope to keep them up until the end of the school year.             After lunch, I sorted the mail and delivered it to the recipients. Then, I opened the mail for Setech and sorted them to the slots. Overall, today has been a great day.

Friday going to LTU

Today was not a typical day for me at Ideal. I actually started my day by visiting LTU instead of coming into work for a hands on course. I got to work hands on with the things that I wanted to do like designing and other activates that were related to what I wanted to do. I visited the Mechanical Engineering department which is my first choice as a carrier. After learning so much about we got to have some real fun and looked at the Baja car and drive it up a ramp.                 After all the learning we had a small lunch and I ate some very good pizza. After a while, Amanda picked me up which by the way was very nice of her and we went to get gas. When I came back to work I had to go right into a meeting with Sylvia and some of the neighborhood police officers. It was really nice to speak to the people that kept the community safe.            ...

Busy Friday

Today was a busy Friday. I came early today, so I was expecting the office to be closed. Bonnie was here, so I decided to help her mail out invoices. Maria came and opened the door. I turn on the computer to check my mail. I didn’t have anything yet, but as soon I was going to file invoices Rana needed me to pull out invoices for her. She gave me a list on what invoices should I pull out, it was big list so I knew it was going to take me a while. When I was done wit Rana work, Maria had the Material checks ready.             Lunch came and I went down the shop to get chips and something to drink. It wasn’t a long break so I got going with my work. On the way to get folders I stop by Terry’s office and had a good talk like always.             When I was done with the material checks, Bob also had a job for me, he wanted me to make him two books for him that he needed ASAP. ...

3-19-14 By Richard Zarate

  When I got here, I went to my desk and checked my email. I said hi to Dennis. I went to go say hi to Amanda. Amanda asked me to put the labels on the postcards and to stamp them. I went back to my desk to work. I finished in 2 hours and then I went  to upstairs to help. Dave wanted me to help him look for a folder that was lost. I went through the cabinets and found nothing. I helped Bonnie by filing some papers. Then I went downstairs for lunch. For lunch I had a sandwich, melon, juice, and cookies.   After lunch, I went to go put back my lunch bag and I ran into Amanda. Amanda told me what my blog topic was going to be about. Later, I ran into Frank. He asked me if I was good and if I was still using my watch. I went to go check in Contracting if they needed help. Yessie asked me if I could open the mail and stamp them. I took me a while to finish. I learned something new today and I met Chelsea today. Later Frank asked me if I could help him. He ...

Jacqueline Perez - March 18, 2014

Jacqueline Perez - March 18, 2014             So far today has been a very great day. I worked with Theresa and Kelly a lot and enjoyed a very healthy lunch. I began the day by filing, sorting and vouchering invoices for Setech. I also helped Theresa with preparing the past due customer account reports that she taught me how to do today. I also helped her check the Chrysler invoices and submitted them to the Chrysler website. I did something similar for Setech so it wasn’t very hard to figure that out. I also received very good news from the Dollars for Scholars program. I raised the most money of any of the students. I feel very proud of myself and I’m very appreciative of those people that helped me reach a very high amount for the fundraiser. 

Mondays at Ideal

Today, was actually a very good day I had a good ride on the bus on my way to work. When I got to work, I got ready for all of my tasks before I sat down. I first started with the remodeling of the white erase board in our office. I had to install the marker holder, so that we could keep everything nice and handy. I then went to look up some bid jobs for Tony. After I had worked for a while, I noticed it was almost lunch time. A few minutes later, I got a call from Sylvia to go downstairs and get ready for the luncheon we were having. I had a lot of fun setting everything up but the best part was eating the meal. Before I knew it, I wasn’t able to move at all and still had the rest of the day to go. So I grabbed a cup of soda and went back to work. When I came back to my desk, I decided to go help accounting for a while since Tony was in a meeting. I helped Kelly out with her filing and then went back upstairs to see if Tony was back. He was in the office and had me work on a...


Today turned out to be a good Monday. I usually don’t have a lot of work Mondays so I wasn’t expecting to be a busy day. I came to Ideal and I saw Linda, which was good seeing her, I knew she had stuff for me to do, so I went and ask her. She told me that she needed me to make 3 folders and make copies of the papers that needed to be in the folder. It took me all morning to do it. Lunch came and Linda brought some good home made food, it was delicious if you ask me. Since we were celebrating Saint Patrick’s day, Frank bought us food for everyone downstairs, I was full already but I did grab a little of everything. Lunch was over so it was time to get going. I continued doing Linda’s folders. Once I was done, she went and gave them to the estimators. Later, they wanted me to go downstairs and help put the food boxes to a car. It was quickly, I saw Frank in he’s office so I decided to go say hi. Overall, my day went great. Jose Patino


Today ended actually great, due to the fact that I was having a bad and slow morning, maybe the coffee kicked in. I started to do material checks, I know it was going to take me a long time so I decided to get to work fast. I was done with the material checks but still had some checks that were missing their invoices, I gave them to Maria since she’s in charge of them. Once I was done with material checks I started to file PDPM and hard dollar folders, it took me a minute but I managed to get it all done quickly. Lunch came and I went down the shop to get chips and something to drink, it wasn’t a long lunch break after all, so I just got to work once I was done eating. I started to file invoices then mail out invoices for Bonnie. That was all they had for me today, so I went back to Bob and asked him if he had something for me to do, he told me no, but he wanted me to attend a meeting with him and the guys. I sat down and they were just talking, they were planning to build a big t...

Its Friday

Today was a very productive day. The first thing that I actually thought about was what I wanted for lunch today. I was sad that I couldn't eat meat so I had a limited amount of places to go. Before I could even think about lunch I had some work that had to be finished. I started on a bid job for Tony and plotted out the drawings so that he can have them by Monday. I, then, went to take some jobs down for Abel to give to the shop and start getting them ready.                 At lunch the guys and I went to Oblivion's and I had a tuna sandwich with a side of fries. I had a really good conversation about politics and conspiracy’s during my meal and had a few thoughts on my mind. We then went to the local hardware store to get some Topcon’s for a job. When we came back to work I got started on a new job for Chris.                 As the...

Jacqueline Perez - 03/11/14

Jacqueline Perez - March 11, 2014 I had an amazing day at work today. I found out that I had raised a lot of money for the Dollars for Scholars fundraiser. I am very proud of myself and hopefully everyone else in the program is as well. I also learned something new that Theresa taught me. She taught me how to look over the PayPal receipts and see what was received to log it into MAS. I liked working on it so I hope to do it in the near future. For lunch I had cookies and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which was really good. During lunch I got some copies of the group scoop to show my family the article I was in last month. After lunch, I distributed some mail and opened the mail for Setech and Sean. Finally, I worked on vouchering invoices for Setech and filing them. Overall it was a wonderful day at work.

Fun Friday!!

Today was a busy day at work. I started filing PDPM and hard dollar folders. When I was done, I went to talk to Bob about installing my email in my phone, he gave me a guide paper to follow the steps. Once it was done, I started to help Bonnie on shirts. It took us all morning to finish it. We were putting them in alphabetic order by last name and handing them out. The extras were put in a box. Lunch came and they ordered pizza. I had two slices and a drink. I had a good meal. When I was done eating I started filing more PDPM and hard dollar folders. Daniel Budnik then needed me to scan blueprints and make a copy of the drawings. When I was done printing the drawings I gave them to him, then he told me that Joe needed me. I went to Joe and he had a big job for me, he wanted me to draw a building and draw rooms inside how ever I wanted to and just to make it look nice. It was a totally different experience, since I’ve never done something like this, it was kind of hard and confusing....

The Day Before the Weekend

  Today being the first Friday of March meant that it was almost my birthday. I woke up feeling great because I had to come into work. I started my day by putting my jacket on my chair and looking at my email. I didn't think that I had anything important since I was here just yesterday. I looked and saw that Tony sent me an email about a Bid Job that we could possible win.    I looked for the drawing on the website then headed towards the printer. I was happy to see that there was enough paper so that I didn't have to change it. While I was waiting for my drawing to finish I went back to my desk to work on the Daifuku racks for the shop. When I was finished, I went down to the shop to talk to Dan about all the martial and sizes that we need.   When lunch came I was glad that my mom packed me a lunch since I had a very empty stomach. I had left over Chinese food rom the night before and an apple. Afterwards, Jose Patino gave m...

A long productive day. By Richard Zarate

  Today was a pretty long day, but it was very productive. Today when I got here I went to my desk and checked my email. Osmara came and told me to highlight some receipts. When I finished, I took them to her and I asked Amanda for some work. She told me to do some mailers. I finished the mailers and I asked Sylvia for some work. She told me to put some stuff on Frank's expense account, to scan and email her something, and to make a Word document for her.   I did all that in 30 minutes and Sylvia told me to go upstairs to help Bonnie. Bonnie wanted me to put the Tigers tickets in envelopes. I was working on the tickets when Bonnie asked me to help her on something else. She wanted me to put some papers in binders. After I helped her on that, it was time for lunch.    I had a sandwich, applesauce, and cookies for lunch. I ate lunch for only 30 minutes because I had a lot of work to do. I went back upstairs to finish putting the tickets in the envelopes. While ...

Jacqueline Perez - 3/4/14

Jacqueline Perez – March 4, 2014             Today was an amazing day at work. I worked for Setech the whole day. I also had very delicious pizza for lunch. Today I also wore a different attire to work. I wore a dress and some of my co-workers complimented me on it. It’s not something I would normally wear, but I was told it was very professional. In the morning, I filed un-paid invoices for Setech. After that, I sorted invoices to get them ready to voucher. For the rest of the morning, I vouchered invoices. For lunch, I had a very tasty pizza with a side of salad and water. After lunch, I vouchered again and then filed for Setech’s paid invoices. Overall it was a great day. 

03-03-14 By Richard Zarate

Today is the first time in  two months I get to work with my sister. Today when I got here, I said hello to Amanda and Andrea. I went to my desk and finished DE-Doping the items. I went to go ask Amanda for some work, but she didn't have anything for me. I went to Ideal Contracting and filed for them. When I went downstairs, I helped Osmara with some folders. And then it was time for lunch.   I went home for lunch. When I came back, Amanda asked me if I can take a TV box out of her car and take it to Abel so he can throw it to the dumpster. Sylvia wanted me to make some changes on the Merritt Street clean up. I changed some of the font sizes and added some logos on the flyer. This was how my day was and it was great and productive. How did I save my money from snow shoveling and what did I buy? I went snow shoveling for the first time in January, when the snow storm hit. I made $298 my first time. In February, I went two times, the second time the snow was like po...