3-26-14 by Richard Zarate

  Today when I got here, I said hi to Andrea and Callan. I went to go sit in my desk. I went to Amanda for work and she assigned me labels. I finished the labels, but I couldn't find the postcards. I asked Amanda if she knew where they were. She didn't know where the postcards. I went upstairs to Contracting, I asked Bonnie if she had work for me. She told me to file a big stack of papers. It took me a while but I finished. Bonnie then asked me to make a few labels and to send out some letters. I got to finish the labels, then it was time for lunch.
  I had a sandwich, yogurt, and fruit for lunch. After I finished lunch, Virginia asked me to unload the dishwasher. After I finished, I went back to my desk and saw a pile of postcards that needed to be mailed out. I mailed out the postcards and then I found the postcards for the earlier labels. I mailed those out too. Sylvia introduced me to Kelly, Kelly taught me how to clean the fish tank glass, and she told me, we are going to clean the whole tank next week. This was how my day was.

  What am I going to do for fun in the summer? Since we been having some fierce weather in Michigan, I'm going to take advantage on summer. I can't wait for summer, I'm going to spend more time outdoors then indoors. Since my brother can drive, he promise me he would take me fishing once in a while. I would like to spend some time playing soccer, going jogging, and hanging out with my friends. My family goes to the beach a lot in the summer, can't wait for that. Feeling the warm weather and feeling the breeze is going to be nice. I won't let this summer go to waste.


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