Fun Friday!!

Today was a busy day at work. I started filing PDPM and hard dollar folders. When I was done, I went to talk to Bob about installing my email in my phone, he gave me a guide paper to follow the steps. Once it was done, I started to help Bonnie on shirts. It took us all morning to finish it. We were putting them in alphabetic order by last name and handing them out. The extras were put in a box.
Lunch came and they ordered pizza. I had two slices and a drink. I had a good meal. When I was done eating I started filing more PDPM and hard dollar folders. Daniel Budnik then needed me to scan blueprints and make a copy of the drawings. When I was done printing the drawings I gave them to him, then he told me that Joe needed me. I went to Joe and he had a big job for me, he wanted me to draw a building and draw rooms inside how ever I wanted to and just to make it look nice. It was a totally different experience, since I’ve never done something like this, it was kind of hard and confusing. He told me just to try my best. It takes eight hours to do something like that, but he said to take my time. I’m looking forward to it as my new project for this few days. Overall, my day went excellent.

Jose Patino


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