
Today turned out to be a good Monday. I usually don’t have a lot of work Mondays so I wasn’t expecting to be a busy day. I came to Ideal and I saw Linda, which was good seeing her, I knew she had stuff for me to do, so I went and ask her. She told me that she needed me to make 3 folders and make copies of the papers that needed to be in the folder. It took me all morning to do it.
Lunch came and Linda brought some good home made food, it was delicious if you ask me. Since we were celebrating Saint Patrick’s day, Frank bought us food for everyone downstairs, I was full already but I did grab a little of everything. Lunch was over so it was time to get going.
I continued doing Linda’s folders. Once I was done, she went and gave them to the estimators. Later, they wanted me to go downstairs and help put the food boxes to a car. It was quickly, I saw Frank in he’s office so I decided to go say hi. Overall, my day went great.

Jose Patino


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