Jacqueline Perez - 03/11/14
Perez - March 11, 2014
had an amazing day at work today. I found out that I had raised a lot of money
for the Dollars for Scholars fundraiser. I am very proud of myself and
hopefully everyone else in the program is as well. I also learned something new
that Theresa taught me. She taught me how to look over the PayPal receipts and
see what was received to log it into MAS. I liked working on it so I hope to do
it in the near future.
lunch I had cookies and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which was really good.
During lunch I got some copies of the group scoop to show my family the article
I was in last month.
lunch, I distributed some mail and opened the mail for Setech and Sean. Finally,
I worked on vouchering invoices for Setech and filing them. Overall it was a
wonderful day at work.
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