Today went pretty good, even though I was feeling sick. When I walked into the office, I saw material checks on my desk. It wasn’t a big pile like usual, so I took my time doing them. When I was done with the material checks, I put them in a cabinet near Maria desk, since she didn’t came today. I saw PDPM and hard dollar folders, so I decided to file them very quickly. Then I went to Bob, and he had a few tasks for me. He printed papers so I could put them in a folder, once that was done he had me do blueprints and then organize them well.
Lunch came, I told Bonnie to bring cheese fries since she was going out to eat. While I was waiting for her, I was working on the blueprints still. My cheese fries finally came and overall I had good meal.
It was time to keep working. I was finally done with Bob tasks, the only thing left to do was continue working on Joe’s project that I been doing for him. I had a few things done. I went and showed it to him, he gave me a few comments but overall I was doing well, so I continued working.
Jose Patino


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