Busy Friday

Today was a busy day at Ideal. I started to file invoices from last week, since I didn’t get to them. When I was done, they wanted me to teach Kellie how to do the mail. I tried my best to explain it to her easy enough, so lets see how she does next time. When I was done with my task I started to archive Julie’s folders.  
Lunch came and I only had chips and a juice, since I wasn’t that hungry. I continued archiving until Yesi came and wanted me to move boxes to another room. Dave and Yesi were swapping desk so I was back and forward helping them with there desktop.
When I was done helping, Yesi then, wanted me to scan papers to her, I had a meeting, so I was trying to make it quick. Once I was done, Dan wanted me to put folders into a box and archive it. Then Amanda came from me to go downstairs at Frank’s office. There were people visiting the building and we had to present myself with the other Jose. Then we went into the hall and Frank was telling them about the company and how it started. Overall, my day went great.

Jose Patino


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