Today was a productive day at Ideal. I started to archive folders for Daniel. Later in the morning, Yesi wanted me to make her two folders, once it was done I continued archiving. Then Loren wanted me to go down stairs to meet a lady. We sat down and talked about an opportunity for me going to a job and also help me pay school. It’s a multi-billionaire company, so that just put it out there that I’ll be working in a great place if I start off working there. When the meeting was done I gave her my information.
Lunch came and I had chips and a juice. When I was done with my lunch, Bob wanted me to make a book, Daniel came and also wanted me to make him a binder for a bid he had going on. I came back to my desk and continued archiving. I was done with two boxes, now I got two left to go. Overall, it was a good day.
Jose Patino
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