Richard Zarate 05-12-14

  Today was a pretty good day. I sat in Amanda's desk today. Sylvia wanted me to put seeds in half a dozen bags. I did them quickly. Later Sylvia asked me to do another half a dozen bags. When I finished, I went upstairs to help. They had a big stack of papers that needed to be filed. After I finished, I went downstairs and I loaded the dishwasher. Later, I went to check inventory with Alex in the back building. We brought back some stuff we needed. Later Osmara asked me to organize a DACA folder in alphabetical order. After I finished, I helped Maria with some filing and then it was time for lunch.
  For lunch, my sister took me to Taco Veloz. Lunch was great and then we went back to Ideal Group. I mailed out a envelope for Sylvia. I took something up to Contracting, I mailed out some more letters too. I changed the binder for the blogs because the old one was full. I helped Osmara with her tasks. I helped her make some DACA folders. My day was great and productive


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