Richard Zarate May-21-2014

  Today when I got here, I said hi to Alex and Dennis. Alex gave me labels to do. I started to do the labels. Later Osmara came and told me to make some labels for Sylvia. It didn't take too long, I finished in no time.
Then, I had to look for some boxes for some papers. Osmara and I organized the papers in the boxes and we put them in Sylvia's car. I continued to do the labels. Then it was time for lunch.
  Osmara and I went to Subway for lunch. Sylvia talked about her son and Sean when they were little. She asked me to write about Memorial Day for my blog topic. When we came back, I got back to work. I finished the labels and put them on postcards and mailed them out. The mailers took a lot of my day. Overall my day was fast and proficient.

  What is Memorial Day? Memorial day is celebrated  on the last Monday of May to honor those men and women who died for serving the U.S Military. Memorial Day was originally know as Decoration Day and started the years after the Civil War and became an official holiday in 1971. Americans celebrate it by visiting cemeteries, memorials, having family gatherings, and participating in parades. This is Memorial Day and I'm looking forward celebrating with my family.



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