
Showing posts from 2018

Daniel's Blog

My Weakly Blog Today was a busy day.Today I worked on labeling cards for companies facility's, once I had finished all of them I mail them and when I had finish all of them then I started on continuing on the excel list which was putting the schools name and addresses on the excel list.I didn't finish all of the excel list because it was a lot but I'm half way there.Now I am ending the day with my weekly blog with a wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Years and hope to see you guys next year,bye.

Lizbeth Morales 12/19/18

Today was good, although the morning went by a bit slow. I started off as usual getting the laptop from Sean and Ava, but they didn't have it. So, I tried other older laptops and they didn't work. I ended up using one of the extra computers by Steve and Alex and helped Osmara update the safety meeting notes. Then, the last thing I did was mailing lists on excel for Alex.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/18/2018

Today all I worked on were invoices and scans. It was a pretty boring day today but still managed to finish most of my work. But like always I start of my day with the invoices and mail them out, then Steve gave me scans to work on. The majority of my morning and whole afternoon were just on doing scans. Overall, today was a productive day.

Oscar Jimenez 12/7/18

I was all over the building today. First i started the off normally with scanning shippers. Then Sabrina asked me to do the mailers up at contracting. After that I helped Jeff in the Steel second floor with organizing some projects and blueprints. Lastly I folded up blueprints.

Emily Barajas 12/14/2018

Today and this week in General was really busy for me. Today though, I began by attaching files into SAP finally, since it would not let me before. I then filed many papers that Alex and Jim had given me. In the afternoon I worked on fifth third and organizing all the receipts for the expense logs.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/14/2018

Today when I got here like always I started of with invoices. When I was done with the invoices I mailed them out and started working on scans. I worked on scans for most of the day and after I finished with the scans Alex gave me mailers to do. Overall, today was a boring day.

Eric Perez 12/13/18

Eric Perez 12/13/18   Today was a normal day because I went to help make a lot of envelopes of Ideal Group that contain information about a contest that people can enter to win gift cards by making videos and posters that had to show how can we prevent accidents in our community. Also I went to help Steve to help make some invoices for Ideal Shield and mail them. Overall my day was very good because its almost Friday and tomorrow we can wear pajamas in school.

Daniel Blog

MY Weekly Blog Today Was kinda a busy day but it was great, I worked on labeling the address on a card that is for companies to protect their facility with Ideal shield protective guard rail, sign bases, bollard covers and hand rails.Once I finish all of them I mail them and later on move on to excel trying to finish all the New York high-schools but I didn't and then I did my vision statement and once I finish all of it I send it to Osmara Zarate and then ending my day with this weekly blog, so see everyone next week.     

Lizbeth Morales 12/12/2018

Today, I started filing invoices and made new files with labels for Sylvia. I helped Steve mail invoices and did some scans. I found pictures for Osmara to create a community booklet. Lastly, I created a word document and wrote down the community stats for 2018. Overall today went by fast, but I got a lot done.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/11/2018

Today I worked on invoices and scans. In the morning I worked on invoices and some scans and for the rest of the day I worked on scans. Today was a boring day but I finished everything Steve had for me to do. Overall it was a productive day.

Oscar Jimenez 12/10/18

Today was a normal day as I did the usual work of scanning shippers and folding shippers. I used the gym again today and I am glad as to how much and how good the equipment there is in the gym. Things have been stressful at school as the holidays are approaching and teachers are giving out big assignments.

Oscar JImenez 12/7/18

Today it was a standard day. I came in and started scanning the shippers which took most if the morning. During my lunch I started to use the gym. The equipment was great and I'm glad I went. After lunch I started folding blueprints that are to be sent to the customers.

Daniel Blog

 My weekly blog Today was a very busy day, Me and Eric Perez and Christian Perales were wrapping Mr. Vengas awards in bubble wrap and Christian was writing down what year was the award  from who it was for.Once he had finish all the awards we had to organize books and cards from each company and once we finish all of that I did some excel work on putting down the addresses from high-schools of New York I didn't finish them all but I did a quiet a lot, and now he we are ending with a weekly blog. 

Eric Perez 12-6-18

Eric Perez   12-6-18 Today I  began my day with putting papers everywhere in building A and B, so people can see what information they have.  Then I went to help Christian in putting the trophies on bubble paper so he can put them in a box. Also I checked the trophies and put what they had on them on a paper. Then I put information of the names and guests of people that are going to an event in Excel. The last two things that I did today was help with some scan's and invoices for Ideal Shield. I passed newspaper to all the people in building A before I could do my blog. Overall my day was good. 

12/5/18 Lizbeth Morales

Today while I organized the invoices I rechecked all the files. I wrapped and prepared presents for Sylvia. Later, I helped Osmara with preparing Ideal company folders and matching receipts. Overall my day went my fast. 

Emily Barajas 12/4/2018

Today was a productive day for me. Since it is the beginning of the month, I also began Fifth Third from the month before. I received the spreadsheet with all the expenses of the month and I then the information and formatted it better onto another spreadsheet. I stopped after a while because I finally got help with fixing my scan and attach for SAP. Once I got that fixed, I continued working on Novembers fifth Third which I finished around noon. In the Afternoon I attached all the documents I had from before.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/4/2018

Today I worked on invoices and scans. As soon as I go here Alex handed me invoices and envelopes. After I finished mailing those invoices out Steve handed me more invoices to ail out and so I did. For the majority of the morning and afternoon I went over some scans that Steve needed me to go over to make sure they were in their files and the ones that weren't in the files had to me scanned and put in their files. The last few hours I worked on scans. Overall, today was a productive day.

Eric Perez 11/29/18

Today was a normal workday because I started to work in making postcards for Ideal Shield, to help my classmate Daniel finish early. Then I went upstairs to work in Contracting. I helped put papers in the same folder that had the same job number and same name of the company. Then I came back downstairs to help Steve in scan some papers to see if they were in their correct folders. Today I'm happy because its almost Christmas time.   

Daniel's Weelky Blog

My Weekly Blog Today me and my friend Eric Perez were like bullets, we were busy, I worked on stuffing documents in the envelopes. The documents that went inside of the envelopes were for colleges and also they were mail to California. Once I had finish mailing the envelopes I helped Sylvia on organizing Mr.Venegas thank you cards and happy birthday cards that were mail to him, I organize the cards by last names. Me and my friend Eric Perez helped Steve on scanning the orders of the sells, we finish some of them but finish the ones that were given to us and now where just ending the day with a blog.

Lizbeth Morales 11/28/2018

Today I started working on the mailing list for Alex. I also passed out Group Scoop flyers to people around the building. I then cut out pictures for Rachel and continued on the mailing list. After I finished I helped Osmara with the Safety Red Book updates. Overall my day went by fast.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/27/2018

Today was a good day. Today in the morning I worked on invoices and scans for Steve and in the afternoon I mailed out two big stacks of mail for Alex. After I finished mailing the mail I put labels on big envelopes and put two flyers in each envelope. Overall, today was a productive day.

Emily Barajas 11/27/2018

Today was an easy day and only consisted of me doing a few things. I began by organizing receipts that I had gotten with a report for Octobers fifth third and then put it into SAP. I had a few other ones I had to check with Alex because there were errors with a few codes. When I had finished with all that I continued working on making folders for new employees and filing the papers for rehires. This took the rest of the day since it is time consuming.

Emily Barajas 11/20/2018

Today was a very productive day. In the morning I mostly worked on October fifth third and organizing any receipts I had gotten. I then scanned all the finished expense log onto my computer. One problem I had was when I was trying to attach the expense logs into SAP. In the afternoon, since I couldn't attach any files, I created more folders for new hires and also looked for the folders for rehires. When I finished with all the folders I placed them back into the cabinets.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/20/2018

Today was a boring day. Like always I started of with the invoices and mailed them out. Decided to fold invoices because I prefer folding the papers than being lazy and having a machine do it for me. Folding papers is something I'm used to since I would do it every time I would go to work at my old job. Removed the staples from the scans and worked on scans for the rest of the day. Overall, today was a productive day.

Lizbeth Morales 11/16/18

Today, I helped the Marketing Department create mailing lists on Excel. I finished the list from Wednesday, witch had over 600 addresses. Then, I started on another mailing list from a different website. Overall, today I completed the most mailing addresses I ever had in one day.

Eric Perez 11-15-18

Today I started my day by grabbing my computer. Then I went to see if anyone needed help from me. Later I helped Steve to email some invoices. Then later I got tired because the rest of the day I helped my classmate Daniel Hernandez to make a lot of envelopes for the Catholic schools around the United States but we did not finish because we had to go early but anyway they arrived for us at the same time like always. By the way, I was happy because the folding machine is working again.

Daniel's weekly blog

11/15/18 My weekly Blog  Today was a very busy day, I was stuffing envelopes with documents for colleges and also I was labeling the address in the envelopes, my friend Eric Perez help me on the other envelopes, my friend Eric didn't finish stuffing the documents in the envelopes and I did finish stuffing the documents in the envelopes but the one thing I didn't finish is mailing  the envelopes because Cristo Rey send an email to one of the workers from admin and then told me and Eric that we were gonna get out at 3.00pm, that's why I didn't have time mailing the envelopes and also I need to wrap this  blog up so goodbye and happy thanksgiving.

Lizbeth Morales 11/13/18

Today I helped Alex all morning creating mailing sheets. I completed 3 lists and started on my fourth. Then went to check up with Osmara, and she had a quick task for me. I had to make a excel budget sheet and input information from receipts. I also made some labels to put on boxes for Sylvia. Came back to the Marketing Department and continued working on the mailing sheets. Overall my day went by quick, because I sat in a different location surrounded with people I don't always get to talk to.

Emily Barajas 11/13/2018

Today was a slow day for me. In the morning I put invoices Yesi had sent me into SAP. I also made a copy of Loren's Fifth third and went downstairs to give it to Pat. In the afternoon I only worked on Fifth third and organizing any more receipts I got.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/13/2018

Today was a good day. I started off with invoices that Steve had for me and when I finished with those invoices I mailed them out. After I came back, Steve gave me more invoices to fold and mail out. When I finished with the invoices, Steve gave me papers that needed to be cut in half and so I cutted them and then Alex came with more and so I cutted them. Then Steve came over with more invoices that needed to be folded and so I folded them, put them in there envelopes, and mailed them out. After that Steve handed me some scans to do and so I worked on a few of them before I went to lunch. After lunch Osmara took me to Starbucks and it was a good experience because it was my first time ever getting something from there. After we got back, I kept working on scans. Overall it was a productive day.

Emily Barajas 11/09/2018

This week was a busy week for me. I worked both Tuesday and Friday so I had time to get more work done. I began Octobers fifth third so I had to type all the expenses and descriptions to an excel sheet. I also coded it and sent it back to Alex. I then began to copy any of the reports I had gotten sent back and parked them into SAP. Also this week I taped the receipts that i had gotten from employees as well. Other smaller jobs was to attach invoices into SAP.

Lizbeth Morales 11/7/2018

Today was a good day. I started off filing Silvia's paid invoices and updating building A's safety maps. To update the safety maps, I walked around the building looking for fire extinguishers, alarms, and first aid kits. Later, Frank came in and brought cannolis. We went to all the buildings giving them away. We made sure everyone got some, and came back to the office and I continued to help Sylvia. The last thing I had to do was search for an address and package a gift. Overall today went by fast.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/6/2018

Today was a busy day. When I got here Steve gave me invoices to work on, when I finished he gave me scans to take out the staples and when I finished that I gave him back the scans so that he could scan them. Then he gave me scans to check if they had been put into there folder, gave me a stack of papers to cut, and invoices. I statred to work with the imvoices but then he told me to get the papers cut fisrt because they needed them. I finished cutting the papers and then I finished folding the invoices. When I came back from lunch I put the invoices in envelopes and put the scans that he sent me when he scanned the scans into their files. When I finished with those scans I went through the scans that were mixed up and seperated them in two different piles, one which was done and the other that needed to be scanned. Overall, today was a boring but busy day.

Eric Perez 11/1/18

Today was a good day because I helped Osmara to make and print some Turkey flyers. When I was done printing them I had to put them where people could see them. I helped Steve to make some invoices for Ideal Shield. Later on Osmara wanted Daniel Hernandez and I to move some boxes from Mr. Venegas office and see what was inside of them. I organized the kitchen in the Admin office for Osmara. Then I had to go to the usps website to track envelopes for Accounting. 

Lizbeth Morales 10/31/2018

Today I started working on organizing receipts by date order from an Excel Sheet. I took the course Knowbe4 to help me learn about Malware. Then I had a little break and went upstairs to help setup for the lunch and also took a look at peoples' costumes. Later I finished the course and filed some paid invoices for Sylvia. Lastly I did some research for Sylvia about an Institute so she could know more about the organization.

Jaquelin Roblero 10/30/2018

When I got here Melanie told me what I was going to do today. She said I was going to work on invoices and tri-fold papers since the folding machine is still not working and see what else Steve had for me to do. After she told me this i went to my desk and put the invoices into envelopes and sent them out after wards. When I finished with the invoices Steve gave me scans to do and so I took out the staples and gave the papers back to Steve so that he could scan them and I worked on scans for most of the day. Then after lunch Steve came over with some papers that Melanie wanted me to tri-fold and so I did and I put the scans aside for a bit. When I finished folding I gave the papers to Melanie and got back to the scans. After I finished the scans Steve gave me more invoices and I finished them and mailed them out. Overall, today was a good and productive day.


Today I started working in the new Steel offices. It was nice since I had to work in the kitchen due to the lack of desks. There are only four desks and the rest of the steel guys are up in Contracting. I started on my usual work, shippers, and they kept on coming in regularly. During the day there were many power outages, once there was a really big one that made my computer reboot and was very annoying. All in all it was a pretty interesting day.

Eric Perez 10-25-18

Today was a nice day because I helped Osmara to make sure that a scooter work. The scooter is for Mr.Venegas. Then I helped Steve to find the zip codes from the places that he give me, that where from the states around the United States by searching them in the internet. Also the rest of the day I helped Alex make a lot of invoices for fire stations and their volunteers from New York.

Lizbeth Morales 10/24/2018

Today I started updating the safety red book. I passed out flyers in building A and building B for the community event this weekend. I then mailed out invoices for Steve and Melanie. After I went to a meeting with Osmara, about the updates on the Safety Red Book. When we came back I went through the whole book and wrote questions and comments. Overall today was a pretty good day and got to meet Adrianne and Barlow.

Jaquelin Roblero 10/23/2018

Today was a pretty productive. When I got here I worked on invoices and then Melanie told me to put those aside for a moment because she needed me to separate the labels by their numbers, after I finished separating the labels I went back to the invoices and sent them out. After I came from lunch I got more invoices and worked on them ans sent them out. When I finished. Steve gave me scans to work on and so I did and finished them and by then Steve came back from a meeting and asked me to look for specific labels and so I did and I would only find 2 because there were so many numbers to look fro and they weren't organized. Overall, today was a good day.

Lizbeth Morales 10/19/18

Today I started off by updating the Ideal Safety coordinator Excel Sheets and creating a badge to  indicate who had a red book . I started organizing and looking for awards through some boxes. We went to the Ideal Shield team building lunch meeting and I got to meet around 8 more employees.The employees were from the shop and also from the office, but I just had never talked to them. After, I organized name tags in alphabetical order, like a couple of times, and filed invoices for Sylvia. Overall my day was good.

Eric Perez 10-18-18

My day was pretty nice and calm because, I did some invoices for Steve, and organizing papers by their job number. Before lunch,  I helped my supervisor to bring some things into Frank's office. Then the rest of the day I helped my classmate Daniel Hernandez to make envelopes of Ideal shield, that they were for the fire departments in New York. 

Lizbeth Morales 1017/2018

Today I started off helping Osmara organize archives. I updated the safety meeting notes and walk thrus.  I went to the Ideal Contracting quarterly meeting and got to learn more about how and what happens in Ideal Contracting. I came back to the office, took care of the doors, and organised a box of greeting cards. Overall my day went by fast but I did get to learn more about the company.

Emily Barajas 10/16/2018

Today was a really busy day for me. All morning I worked on Septembers fifth third. There was a lot of reports getting turned in so i began putting the information into the excel sheet and also parking it into SAP. There was a few with wrong numbers so i had to check with Alex to see what the correct information was. I Lastly created folders for new hires.

Jaqurlin Roblero 10/16/2018

Today was a pretty boring day. As soon as I got here I just logged into the computer and waited patiently until Alex  gave me the invoices from Steve. After I finished the invoices I mailed them out and started folding mailers that Alex had given me on Friday. I worked on mailers most of the day and if Steve had some invoices for e to do he would give them to me and after that I mailed out the invoices and mailers when I had a certain amount. Overall it was a good but boring day.

Jaquelin Roblero 10/12/2018

Today was a good and productive day. As soon as I got here Alex handed me some invoices to work on. When I finished with the invoices I sent them out and Steve gave me some scans to do. I worked on scans for the majority of the day. They may be boring and a lot but I still manage to finish them. After I finished the scans that Steve gave me asked Alex if she had anything else for me to do since I still Had an hour and a half before it was time to go and so she said she had mailers but the machine that fold the papers is not working so I had to fold the papers by hand. Overall today was a busy day.

Lizbeth Morales 10/11/18

        Today as I was walking in, I saw Virginia and she asked me if I could help her bring items in for the breakfast Fundraiser. I spent most of the morning helping set up all the dishes people were bringing in.          After I returned to Admin, I assisted Sylvia for the rest of the day. My goal was to get rid of two big boxes, filled with Frank Venegas' archives, that were not being used. Sylvia and I had to go through all the papers and check what was needed and what had to be recycled. Overall I did get to finish my main task.

Eric Perez 10/10/18

My blog Today was a busy day. I had to help my classmate, Daniel Hernandez, stuff envelopes for Ideal Shield. These envelopes are going to be sent all over the United States. Daniel and I stuffed over 500 envelopes. We got it done before the day ended. Before my day ended I learned about the  Cristo Rey wall we have in the building. Overall my day was very productive. 

Emily Barajas 10/9/2018

Today was a slow day compared to others. I began my morning by Attaching files into SAP that Yesi had sent me. I was having a little difficulty with the computer but I fixed the problem and Finished the task. In the afternoon I finally finished August fifth third with Alex.

Jaquelin Roblero 10/9/2018

Today was a pretty busy day. All day I worked on invoices and scans for Steve. It was kinda boring and I was kinda falling asleep but I managed to finish everything that Steve gave me to do. I like doing what i do because it's easy but sometimes it gets really boring looking at paper after paper that never seems to end. Overall, today was a pretty good day.

Daniels Blog

                10/7/18           My Blog Things I been up to:I been up to now, just been doing homework, studying latin vocab, and right now i'm just preparing myself for debate this week.

Lizbeth Morales 10/3/18

Today, Wednesday October 3rd, I came in a little later than usual because the bus took a different route. I got started working on a poster for the admin cart to make sure that the cart does not get lost. The made space for the cart and started filing for Sylvia. The rest of the day I worked with receipts. I  looked for witch ones where missing, ask for them, and organized them by date order from an Excel sheet. Overall today went by quick.

Emily Barajas 10/2/2018

Today was a productive day like always. I began with finishing some work form last week and then went to Alex and saw how she finished up August's fifth third. After that I went back to my desk and attached a few documents Yesi had given me. In the afternoon I finished my Vision and Mission statement and went downstairs to put it on the wall next to the rest of the interns.

Jaquelin Roblero 10/2/2018

Today in the morning I worked on invoices for Steve. After I finished with the invoices Alex gave me mailers which took me till the end of the day. During lunch I worked on my vision and mission statements and finished them. I showed it to Osmara, she said it was good and she could relate to it, and then I put it on the wall. Today was a kinda sad day since Melanie didn't come to work, I missed her but hope to see her next week. Overall, today was a pretty good day, I was productive with all the work that Steve and Alex handed me.

Eric Perez Work day 9-27-18

What I learn: Today helped Osmara make Baptism favors. They were for Graciela's baptism. I had to put a small rosary in a white bag. I scanned papers and removed the clips from the papers. I put them into the recycle bin. I also sent emails to other people. I completed  my vision and mission statement  and I put it on the wall.  Overall today was a good experience. 

LIzbeth Morales 9/26/18

Today, I started off making changes on the Ideal Interns' Board, and filed some invoices for Sylvia. I attended the monthly Executive Review meeting. Through that meeting, I learned many different things, the most important being that the little things count and need to be addressed. Later, I worked on a flyer for an upcoming community event and headed off to another meeting. This meeting was with the James Group company and we discussed plans for the community Halloween event. Overall today was productive and I learned a lot. 

Emily Barajas 09/25/2018

Today was another easy day. In the morning all I did was file. In the afternoon I continued working on Fifth third like always and then handed it back to Alex. Overall today was a good work day.

Jaquelin Roblero 9/25/2018

Today was a pretty boring and slow day. I worked on invoices that Melanie handed me in the morning and for the rest of the day Steve gave me papers to scan and file.

Lizbeth Morales 9/19/2018

Today I started the day like I normally do, filing and starting to work on the Ideal Interns' board. Later Frank brought in cakes to give out around the building, so Osmara and I helped him prepare and pass out the cake. Rossie and I went outside by Universal Logistics to take pictures around the fence and the after work of GM Cares Week. After we came back Sylvia took me to the Mitchel Kiefer press conference. It was a very meaningful and great experience. I was able to meet Steve Kiefer, and realized what one push of a button from your own phone could do to help save lives. Overall today was a good and productive day.

Emily Barajas 9/18/2018

Today was a slower day than usual. The only thing I did was continue to work on Fifth Third reports for the month of August. I also attached papers into SAP that Yesi would send me.

Lizbeth Morales 9/12/2018

Today I started my day by going over to the marketing department to meet with Alex and Sarah. I had pictures taken and answered some quick questions. I then went outside to Building C for teamGM Cares Week. I got there just after the groups were made, so I just caught up with the first one I saw. We walked all the way to Holy Redeemer grade school to cleaned up the Peace Garden and put down mulch. After lunch, we went back to Holy Redeemer but this time we began work on the convent, in front of the church. We cleared the back of the fence from trash, weeds, and extra dirt. Overall my day was great because I got to spend time with students from Rochester College, 8th Graders from Holy Redeemer, and GM volunteers. 

Emily Barajas 09/11/2018

Today was a really busy day. Since I used to work all summer full time I had more work to catch up on. I began with a new fifth third for the month of August. I did the excel sheet with took all morning. In the afternoon once I was finished with the excel I began parking the information into SAP for the ones that have already been turned in. Last I scanned the papers with the receipts and also put them into SAP.

Lizbeth Morales 9/5/2018

Today, my morning went by quick. I started off, as usual, feeding the fish and getting the conference  room ready, because there was going to be visitors. The visitors were students from Rochester College that were learning about social entrepreneurship corporate responsibility. I went to the meeting and gave them a tour. After we wrapped up the meeting I learned that I will be leading them in the garden next week for GM Cares Week. I later hung flyers about Ideal's new Cristo Rey interns and GM Cares Week. I called restaurants to confirm food orders for next week. After that I helped Rossie copy an list of tasks on Excel onto a Word Document. Overall I had a very productive first day back.

Emily Barajas 09/04/2018

Today was the first day of work starting the school year. Nothing really changed for me since I worked all summer so I only left for a week. The first thing I did was check my emails and see what i had to work on, or things I still had to finish from the last time I was here which was finishing up the last of July's fifth Third report. When I finished Jim asked if I can type something up on word for him, which took most of the day. The Last thing I did was attach a few documents Yesi asked me to do Into SAP.

Welcome to our 2018-2019 Detroit Cristo Rey Interns!


Lizbeth Morales

Today was a weird day because Osmara was not here and I usually am her assistant. I started out filing  for Sylvia and I got a receipt for Pat. I helped Steve mail invoices. Made a copy and  scanned a booklet for Steve   . After Sylvia, Daniela, and I went to Holy Redeemer and met with Mary Beth. We made a plan for my summer.   I later made a calendar with the dates t hat I will be working at Holy Redeemer and made extra copies for Osmara, Daniela, and Sylvia . Once I finished I filed the new invoices for Sylvia. Lastly I paid for an order t hat was made for this Saturday. Overall my day was productive.

Jose Sandoval 6/12/2018

Once I got settled I went to Steve and grabbed some invoices, after that I finished last week scans that Melanie gave me. Then Steve gave me some scans and after that Melanie gave me more scans.

Emily Barajas 06/12/2018

Today was a simple last day of work. I continued working on May's fifth third expense sheet and printed out the ones that were sent to me. I also organized the receipts and scanned them into SAP. Last I mailed birthday cards like every other week.

Lizbeth Morales 6-6-2018

       Today was a busy day, but as always it went by fast. I started off be helping Osmara check all of Frank's Magazine subscriptions. Updated their status on an excel sheet and paid the accounts that were due. I then went around and envited people to come join us for a community event this Saturday. After we went out for lunch to talk about Scarcyny and Cadillac community gardens. Once we came back I organized Frank's receipts in date and card order. I created a flyer to encourage volunteers to help out Scarcyny and then filed invoices. Lastly I met with Sylvia to talk about this summer at Holy Redeemer and GDYT. Overall it was a productive day.

Emily Barajas 06/05/2018

Today was an easy day like always. I began the day by emailing people their new Fifth Third monthly statement. After I continued working on May's Expense Sheet on excel. I also organized receipts that were getting handed to me and also printed the ones that I was getting back. Last I began June's Birthday cards, and also put reports into SAP.

Jose Sandoval 6/5/2018

I started my day off by doing invoices like any other, after that I started to work on some scans that Steve gave me. Then Melanie gave me some scans for the rest of the day, she emailed me a whole bunch and she left early for the day.

Jose Sandoval 6/4/2018

Once I settled down, I grabbed some invoices and after that Steve gave me some scans to do. After that Melanie gave me some scans to do for the rest of the day. Today went by fast and two more days are left of working and then I'm done.

Lizbeth Morales 5/30/18

Today I started off helping Sylvia file invoices and cards. After I got done Osmara had me call magazine companies to check up on the subscription statues. I later updated the interns board and mailed invoices for Steve. For the rest of the day I helped Alex mail and prepare envelopes.

Jose Sandoval 5/29/2018

I worked on invoices in the morning then I switched over to scans , at first it was Mel's scans but I went to Steve later and he gave me more scans.

Lizbeth Morales 5/23/18

Today, like most days, was productive. I started off checking the Amazon account for new orders and updating the interns wall. I then made sure we had the newest cut sheets to put in folders. While searching for updated sheets we needed a new community flyer and I was able to create it. After, I organized all the folders with the cut sheets, I helped Osmara match receipts with their credit card, date, and, amounts. Lastly Sylvia asked me to make some labels for her. Overall my day was good.

Jose Sandoval 5/22/2018

Today was okay, I started my day off by doing invoices like any other day. Once I got done with the invoices I switched to Melanie's scans and I worked on them until the end of the day.

Alexander Ramirez 05/22/18

Today was very fast. In the morning I greeted Kala and she was the first person to give me an assignment and that was to Print tracking, PO, and to find out where the Tracking numbers were. There were stacks of invoices that needed that. The assignment didn't take me that long to finish. My next assignment was delayed so Kala handed me over to Trevor. Trevor gave me some papers that needed  to be scanned but the machine wasn't working so Trevor decided to give me steel invoices that needed their Drop ships to be printed out for em. after that assignment Alex from marketing went to my desk and gave me a huge stack of  folders and advertisements for Ideal Steel bollards. all I needed to do was insert the pages inside of the folder in order. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. overall, today was productive!!!!!

Emily Barajas 05/22/2018

            Today was a simple day since Alex was not here. In the morning I was finishing up the April 5/3 papers and put them into SAP. In the afternoon Alex left me some filing to do and I did that. I also created new folders for new hires. Last I mailed a few birthday cards like always.

Christian Perales 5-18-18

Today was a good day, much like many other work days at Ideal. In the morning I went to my desk and started on scans, sometimes I have a lot and it takes me a little longer to complete. After I finished them, I did some research on Speed Reading upon Sylvia's request. After I got the information needed it was already past 11 and I stared on a small project that I could come back to after lunch. After I fished lunch and the project, I had a meeting with Frank and Sylvia. The meetings with Frank and Sylvia are always nice and this meeting was about preparing me for when I'm going to go to Dartmouth in the fall. After the meeting I went to be desk and met with Hector and eventually Joe about what I will be working over the summer.

Jose Sandoval 5/15/2018

I started off my day by doing invoices like any other. I didn't finish them till 10 o'clock, then I switched to scans and did it for the rest of the day. Today went by fast and I enjoyed it today, can't wait to come back next week.

Alexander Ramirez 05/15/18

In the morning my first assignment was to open mail from Monday and stamp them stating that they have been received. It took me a while because some of the papers that were inside the envelope needed their tracking or Po's printed out. Once I was done with that for the rest of the day I had to help Alex mail advertisements about our bollards. I finished all of the mails. I did 300+ mailing. Today was fast,easy, and fun!!

Lizbeth Morales 5/9/2018

Today I started off checking for new orders on the Amazon account and looked for updates to put up on the inters board. I also helped Osmara pack and organize shirts for the Women Rock Science event at Cranbrook Science Center. Later I went to Cristo Rey with Osmara and Rossie for the job fair sign up. I created an  excel sheet with the names we received at the Cristo Rey job fair. Overall today went be fast.

Emily Barajas 05/08/2018

Today I did a few things only. I Began my day by filing a stack of papers. When I was finished I started April's 5/3 expense sheets and organized the receipts. Then I put the information all into an excel sheet. Last I started posting them into SAP.

Jose Sandoval 5/8/2018

I started off my day by working on invoices, after that I switched to Scans. Then I started to arrange some papers, finally I worked on scans and ended the day their.

Alexander Ramirez 05/08/18

Today was slow and easy. In the morning Juli gave me a couple of Invoices that needed their tracking printed out. The small assignment took me around 20 minutes to do. Once I was done with that assignment Juli told me that the rest of the day I had to help Alex. Alex gave me a big box of mail that needed to be stick on with addresses. The mail was to advertise our bollards to companies and schools around the world. I did that assignment for the whole day. I didn't get finished with the assignment. I did 370 mails. Overall, Today was alright for me.  

Lizbeth Morales 5/7/18

Today was a fun day. I started off helping Melanie and Steve sending out invoices, and mailers for Alex. Alex also had me make some minions from Ideal bollard covers. After I filled some forms for Osmara and went with her to the 4th graders Entrepreneur class at Holy Redeemer grade school. When we got gone with the class she took me to get a treat and we talked about how school/work was going. Overall my day was great.

Emily Barajas 5/1/2018

Today was a good day to the start of the month. When I first got here I hole punched papers I had from yesterday. After I went to Alex to see what she had for me to do. She gave me the New 5/3 Statement for the month of April and the excel sheet. I had to fix the excel Sheet so that the number matched up with the papers she had given me, which took mostly all morning. In the Afternoon Yesi gave me a few papers to attach into the computer. Then, I filed a bunch of papers. Last I mailed birthday cards per usual and put the papers I hole punched into a binder.

Jose Sandoval 5/1/2018

In the morning I worked on the scans that I didn't finish yesterday. After that I worked on invoices, then more scans but it was Melanie's instead.

05/1/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was a good day. In the morning Juli gave me 3 stacks of invoices that needed either Drop ships or their tracking to be printed out. Took me a while to finish because some of the invoices were missing tracking numbers so I had to find them. Those 3 stacks took me half of the morning. Before going to lunch Kala told me to visit Alex so she can give me an assignment.  So I did and the assignment she gave me was a 6 stacks of paper. I had to organize them by page number and then stuff them inside of big white envelopes. It was to advertise our bollards to companies around the area. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall, today was productive!!

Emily Barajas 4/30/2018

Today I began with moving some I-9 papers into a new cabinet. Once I finished I started May's birthday cards. In the afternoon I looked for 401k bonus papers from employees files to put into a binder

Jose Sandoval 4/30/2018

I worked on invoices in the morning for a bit, right after that I switched to over to scans. I took the staples out and gave it to Steve. He then sent me them and I put them in a folder, Sales Order.

04/30/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was okay. In the morning I asked Kala if she had anything I could do for her and she did have something for me to do and It was to print out Drop ships, Tracking for 3 stacks of invoices that needed them. Those three stacks took me the whole morning to do. I took my lunch break and when I came back to my desk I had more stacks of invoices that needed their tracking numbers to be found and also their Drop ships and tracking to be printed out. It took me rest of the day to do. Overall today was alright.

4/25/18 Lizbeth Morales

Today was a long, but fun day. I started off my day going into a safety meeting, taking notes of updates they discussed, and uploading them into the meeting minutes sheets . After two Holy Redeemer Grade School students came in to shadow me. In the morning my first shadow was Karen, later in the afternoon it was Daniel.  First I gave them a tour of Ideal, buildings A and B, and explained to them what a regular day looks like at Ideal, and at Cristo Rey High School. Once we got done giving them a tour I had them help me with simple tasks. Such as sending out postcards, and mailing/organizing invoices. I called a company to change a name of an invoice for Osmara and updated the Amazon order excel sheet.

Emily Barajas 4/24/18

Today I began printing a few more 5/3 expense reports. When I finished Alex gave me a list of current employees and I had to check off if they had their corresponding file folders. Then I also had to check off if they had their I-9 papers. After I organized 5/3 cards and other papers. Last I mailed a few more birthday cards.

Jose Sandoval 4/24/2018

When I got in my desk, I started to put the invoices in the envelope. After that I gave a Holy Redeemer student a tour of Ideal group which lasted till 11. After that I started on invoices again and I got scans right after.

04/24/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was easy and slow. In the morning Kala gave 4 stacks of invoices to me. Each stack needed either  Po's or their tacking to be printed out. It took me the whole morning to do.I had a bit time left until my lunch break starts so Kala told me to go to Alex to do some mailing. Alex told me that all I needed to do is stick stickers that had the addresses of schools in Illinois onto mail. I did 240 mails  and the assignment took me the rest of the work day to do. Overall, today was alright.


Today went by quick. I came in and started working on a renaming blueprints it took most of my morning and after I finished with that I worked on something new. I put in different purchases that Ideal steel made and totaled them up and entered them into FabSuite. After lunch I helped Pat set up for an event. The day went by really quick.

Lizbeth Morales 4/18/18

I started off the day updating the the amazon orders excel sheet and filed some papers for Sylvia. I also updated the safety meeting notes and put up posters for the next meeting on Wednesday. I mailed out flyers for the Holy Redeemer fundraiser. The last task I worked on was organizing a shelf. I had to check with either Garrett or Rachel if the sheets we had for them were up-to-date, and up labels in each folder. Overall my day was productive.

Emily Barajas 4/17/18

Today was an easy day like always. In the morning I had a shadow and I showed her around the office. We mailed birthday cards and also showed her how I was organizing receipts. In the afternoon I finished putting the fifth third bank information into Excel and SAP. When I finished I gave all the paperwork to Alex and also sent her the excel sheet.

Alexander Ramirez 04/16/18

Today was simple and slow. In the morning I found that Kala wasn't going to come today because she is sick so Julie was the one who had to give me the work. The first assignment was to file paid invoices to their assigned folders and there was 5 stacks of paid invoices that needed to be filed. That whole assignment took me about an hour to do. Once I was done with that my next assignment was to file the open invoices into their assigned folders. That took most of the morning to do. Kala gave me a packet/list of open invoices numbers and my job was to see If the open invoices were in their folders. If I couldn't find the invoice I had to highlight the number. The packet/list had company names in order so I had to do the packet in alphabetical order. I stopped on the letter "J", the last company I worked on was Jerden which has at least 100+ open invoices. Today was productive!!

Jose Sandoval

I started off by mailing in the morning for Alex and Steve, one of them was for advertising and the other one was sending what the people had to pay.. After that Steve gave me scans to do for the rest of the day

Christian Perales 4-13-18

Today was a pretty good and pretty bust day. When I came in this morning I already had my work cut out for me. I had to be in charge of doing a whole job, including ordering parts and inputting all of the information. I had Steve Novicki help me with all of the purchasing on FabSuite,with who to call for the parts, making the cut lists and release forms. Stephen Pedley helped with making the file for the Steel drive and making the Files on FabSuite. While all of this was going on, I had to give two tours of Ideal to two Holy Redeemer Students. My first tour was at 9 and the 8th grader who came was named Osvaldo. After the tour we came back to my desk and I continued to work while talking to Osvaldo about Ideal and Detroit Cristo Rey until he left at 11. After Lunch I had my next HR student, Estephania, came at 1 and after the tour we came back to my desk and talked about the school and classes while I worked. We both went to a Steel meeting and after we talked about AP classes and wha...

4/11/18 Lizbeth Morales

This week went by, as usual, quickly. On Monday, I came in and the first thing I did was to login onto my computer but it didn't allow me. So I had to call Awecome to get me back into the system and it took some time. I continued my day by updating the interns board and the amazon order excel spreed sheet. Later I had a meeting with Sylvia about my experience with the drones I worked with. On Wednesday I sent out mailers, filed and mailed invoices. Lastly I did some research for the Holy Redeemer entrepreneur class. 

Alexander Ramirez 04/10/18

Today was fun. In the morning I couldn't do any computer work because my account was disabled so Kala gave a stack of envelopes that needed to be opened and stamped. While I was working, Osmara went up to me and asked if I can let a student shadow me and decided to say "yes". The student greeted me and introduced himself. His name was Sergio and my duty was to show him around the building and introduce him to my supervisors and co workers. After I was done I let him work with me and taught him a few things. I told him what invoices were and what I did. He seemed to understand what I was saying.  I gave him a few jobs and that was to search Invoices that needed to be stapled with the checks and I helped him with a few things so he wouldn't mess up. Once me and Sergio were finished Kala told me that we needed to open envelopes and stamp what was inside. I opened the envelopes and he was the one stamping. I told him to look very carefully with the page numbers and what n...

Emily Barajas 4/10/18

   Today I only worked on a few things. Since Alex and Yesi were in training I did most of my work alone. All I did was print Fifth Third Expense logs and organize the receipts that went with it. After I put all the information into an excel Sheet. when  was finished with most of them Alex came back for a little and showed me how to put all the information from excel to SAP. I then did that which took most of the afternoon. Last Alex sent me two voice mails I had to listen to and email her back on what it said.

Lizbeth Morales

Today I started off as usual, updating the interns board and the safety walk throughs'. Then I organized aw ards, pictures, paintings, and etc in a storage area. After I went over to help Melanie, and got to talk to her. I learned that she is the one who prints out all the labels for all the packa ging orders along with Steve. Lastly, I placed a number on items that were ordered in Frank’s office. Ove rall today went by fast like most days.

Alexander Ramirez 03/27/18

Today went by fast. In the morning Kala gave me two stacks of invoices that needed to be filed into their assigned folder. Didn't take me long to do. Once I was done with Kala's  assignment  she had gave me another assignment and that was to staple checks onto open invoices. There were stacks over stacks of checks to staple. The assignment took me half of the whole morning to finish. I headed back to my seat and sat down for a bit from all the standing I did . Kala gave me 4  a stack of invoices that needed only there drop ships to be printed out. It was time for my lunch break. Once I was done with my break I headed back to Accounting and to see that have more stack of invoices. I got finished with Julie's assignment and started to work on Kala's but I had only little time left to finish it. The stack that Kala gave me needed their tracking numbers found, drop ships printed out and seeing if any of them were delivered. I only got the drop ships and fi...

Jose Sandoval 3/27/2018

I started off by doing scans in the morning for Melanie and I mailed some papers for Alex. After that I worked on some more scans for the rest of the day.

Alexander Ramirez 03/26/18

Today was very busy. In the morning Kala gave me my first assignment of the day and that was to file open invoices into their assigned cabinet. My brother, Enrique, helped file so it didn't take me that much time to do it. After that I had to open envelopes and organize all the mail by company. One of the envelopes had Dundee and Toledo checks so I stopped organizing and went straight to stapling D/T invoices onto the checks. It took me a while to finish. I went back to organizing and when I was done I decided to print out PO's for the invoices that needed one before my lunch break. After my lunch break, I headed back to Accounting and worked on printing out tracking for the two stacks of invoices. I didn't get to finish because there weren't that much time left and had to start on my blog. Overall today was great!!!

Jose Sandoval 3/26/2018

I started off my day by doing invoices, right after that Steve gave me some scans. Right after that it was invoices again. Melanie then gave me some papers to rearrange, she then gave me FedEx papers and I had to put them in order from number, last thing was doing scans on Sugar.

Christian Perales 3-23-18

Today was a busy day for me. In the morning I had issues with my computer so I had to call Awecomm. After I got that issue settles I began to catch up on my work. I started doing scans when Joe told me I was going to go with Sabrina and Rachel to Cristo Rey for a Safe Driving presentation. The presentation was good and I learned a surprising statistic. It was that 1.3 million people die from distracted driving a year, and out of the 1.3 million, 45% of them are teenagers. Things like that are very serious and should be taken more seriously. After i came back from the presentation, I got right back to work. Steve Pedley had me split files, rename them, put them into FabSuite and then rename those files. I also did the same thing for Taha. The task was time consuming but I was able to get it all done. Today, like most work days, was a good day!

Oscar Jimenez 3/22/18

Today was a busy day. I cam in and started working on scanners like normally. After that Steve Pedley gave me a new assignment which was to look at the contract drawings and FabSuite and make sure that the revisions were up to date, then I combined the files and moved them to a different file. Then I helped Alex labeling the mailers and stamping them. Finally I finished the rest of the scanners.It was a busy day

Lizbeth Morales 3/21/18

Today I started off helping Melanie and Steve mail invoices and mailers. I then checked for new Amazon orders and updated the interns board. Lastly I helped Sylvia file, alphabetize, and scan papers.  Overall my day went by fast. 

03/20/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was simple. My first assignment in the morning was to file paid invoices in to the file cabinets that they were assigned to. There were 6 stacks of invoices that needed filing and it took me half of the morning to do. My next assignment of the morning was to open envelopes and stamp them each invoice with today's date and staying that they were received. That assignment took me rest of the morning to do. It was time for my lunch break and decided to do the checks that Kala gave me after lunch. I headed back to accounting started to staple the checks onto Toledo or Dundee invoices. It took me a while to do because some of the open invoices didn't have a folder so I had to make folders. Once I was done with that Kala asked Theresa if I could do anything for her and Theresa did have something. I was to organize these Certificates for Insurances. One pile for expired certificates and one pile for the active ones. Once I was done with that Theresa reminded me how to scan. I ha...

Jose Sandoval 3/20/2018

I went to Steve's desk and grabbed the invoices he left me. Right after he gave me some scans to do and it lasted till lunch. Melanie then gave me some papers to rearrange and after that she sent me some scans to do.

Emily Barajas 3/20/18

Today I really didn't do much. Pretty much all day I had to move boxes from Alex and Yesi's office to the room where all the files are. After I moved every box, I put 2017 terminated files in one specific cabinet. When I was finished with that part I then moved some other terminated files into another cabinet so that they wont be so squished. After, I had to undo the boxes and flatten them out so they can put them away. Last I labeled all the Cabinets by last name.

Christian Perales 3/16/18

Today had a normal start to my workday. When I came in I talked to those in Admin, Pat, Osmara and Rossie. I came to my desk, said good morning to all the Steel guys and began to work. I always start my work day with scans, and when I finish I ask Steve Pedley for what to do next. Today he gave me the task of editing the names of files in FabSuite for the current jobs. The task took up the rest of the day because there were a lot of details in the new jobs.

Emily Barajas 3/13/18

Today was a really simple day. I did everything I'm used to doing. I started off by printing Amex papers and putting the information on an excel sheet. Then Yesi gave me a few papers to attach into SAP. I also mailed out birthday cards. In the afternoon Alex showed me a new way I will process master card information since things were changed. After I sent a few emails with an excel sheet to people. Last, I created new folders for new hires and pulled out other folders because they were re-hires.

Jose Sandoval 3/13/2108

I started off by doing invoices which took me about two hours to finish them, when I was mailing them I only took about ten minutes. After that I went to Steve and asked him for more work, he then gave me scans which I did about 140. Mel then gave me some papers to arrange and to take the staples out.

Alexander Ramirez 03/13/18

Today was very fast. In the morning Kala told me that she will be leaving early today so she gave me assignments before she left. The first assignment she gave to me was to file last weeks paid invoices and there were two stacks of them. One was Ideal Shield and the other Ideal Steel. It took me an hour to do the first assignment. The last assignment she gave me was a 100+ paper stack of invoices that needed their tracking numbers found and dropships and tracking that needed to be printed out. What I did first was find all of the tracking numbers. Took a few hours to do. It was close to my lunch break so I deiced to do the dropships before going to lunch. Once I was done with all that I headed for my lunch break. I came back to accounting and only 2 hours left, I rushed to print out the tracking. I didn't finish the assignment but I got most of it done. Overall, today was productive!!   


Today was a normal work day. I was dropped off by a different car than the last as the school is inconsistent in what driver I get. I came in put my lunch in the fridge and said hi to the steel guys. There was a lot of snacks from leftover St. Patrick day celebrations so I helped myself. I started doing the shippers and scanning them in. I did that for the rest of the day. 

Lizbeth Morales 3-7-18

This week was different, because I got to do different projects. I started off updating the Interns board and the Amazon excel sheet list. Osmara gave me anther project, to translate a safety presentation from English to Spanish.  I also had a meeting with Frank, Gary, and Curtis about an upcoming opportunity for our the  Robotics team. Lastly, Frank gave us each a drone to understand how they work. Overall I got to work different tasks and it was a productive day.

Alexander Ramirez 03/6/18

Today was fast and smooth. In the morning Kala gave me a assignment and that was to file 4 stacks of  paid invoices into the file cabinets that they were assigned to. When I was done filing the paid invoices, Kala gave me 5 stacks of open invoices that needed filing. While filing I had to make folders for the ones that didn't have one. Once I was done I headed to Kala and she gave me the last assignment for filing and that was to staple checks to open invoices that were categorized as either "Toledo" or "Dundee". The 3 assignments that Kala gave me took the whole morning. Before going on my lunch break Kala gave me 3 stacks of invoices that needed tracking, dropships, etc. I did 1/3 of the assignment and decided to go take my break. I headed back to accounting and started to work on the rest of the assignment. It took me the rest of the day to finish. Overall, today was perfect!!!

Jose Sandoval 3/6/2018

Once I sat at my desk, I went to Steve's desk and grabbed the invoices that he left me. Once I finished them I mailed them out with some postcards as well. Right after I got some scans it took me the whole day to finish them.

Lizbeth Morales 2/28/18

Today I worked and completed the excel spread sheet of Frank's Amazon Orders for 2017. I scanned papers for Sylvia. I went on a safety walk thru with Osmara. Since it’s the end of the month took down any February posters. Overall today I got to learn different tasks I had never done before.

Alexander Ramirez 02/27/18

Today was slow and steady. In the morning Julie told me that Kala isn't going to be here today so she left me some work but first Julie gave me the assignment to file paid invoices into certain file cabinets. That whole assignment took me half of the morning to do because there were at-least 6 stacks of invoices to file. It was time for Kala's assignment that was to file open invoices that were labeled Dundee and Toledo. After that, I had checks that needed to be stapled onto open invoices. It was time for my lunch break and I didn't get to finish so I decided to do the rest after my break. Once I was done with my break, I headed back to accounting and started to work on the last parts of the assignment. The assignment took me half of the afternoon. I went to ask Julie if she had anymore work for me to do and she gave me some envelopes that contained invoices that needed to be opened and stamped "received". It was a small a assignment so it didn't take long. M...

Jose Sandoval 2/27/2018

The morning started off slow like always but it got faster eventually. I worked on some scans that Steve gave me. After that I started to mail, then I separated some papers. Right after that I started to mail for the rest of the day.

Emily Barajas 2/26/18

Today went by fast since I didn't do a lot. I started off by filing papers. Then I started to create birthday cards for the month of March and mailed out a few. After lunch, I filed a few more papers and then Alex showed me more about SAP and how to post things.

Jose Sandoval 2/26/2018

Today was slow and fast, I started off my day by doing invoices and after that I asked Alex if I could do mail out some of Post Cards. I did this all day long which I still have some left to do and I still have to mail out the ones that I did today. Tomorrow I am going to finish all of them and mail them out.

Alexander Ramirez 02/26/18

Today went really fast. In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to print out Po's and tracking for 2 stacks of paid invoices. While I was doing that assignment Kayla walked over to my desk and gave me 2 stacks of invoices because she had an important meeting to attend. The stacks contained at least 30 to 40 sheets. Both of the assignments took me the rest of the morning to do. Once I was done with those assignments, I went over to Julie's desk and handed her the invoices. When she was done looking over the invoices she handed me 12 envelopes. The envelopes contained invoices that needed to be stamped "Received" and needed their Po's and tracking printed out. I finished the whole assignment and there was no time left. Over today was productive!!!

Alexander Ramirez 02/20/18

Today was simple and smooth.In the morning Kala gave me 5 stacks of paid invoices that needed to be filed into certain cabinets. The assignment took me a while to do. After that Kala gave me another assignment and it was to staple checks onto Toledo and Dundee invoices and file them into the check section of their cabinets. I only got to finish Dundee's check stack because their wasn't any folders for some of the invoices so I made some. I decided to do Toledo's stack after my lunch break. I headed back to accounting and I finished the rest of the assignment that Kala gave me. Juli gave me the next assignment, it was to open envelopes and stamp the papers that were inside of the envelopes. The stamp stated that the invoices were received and today's date. When done stamping I had to print out Po's and Tracking for a stack of Old dominion and FedEx. The assignment that Juli gave me took me the rest of the day to do. Overall, today was great!!

Lizbeth Morales 2/21/18

I started off today imputing names for Osmara in an excel spreed sheet. I organized receipts and highlighted the dates, card number, amount, and the company. I also got to met Dr.Tamer Ghanem while he visited Frank. Later continued working on the excel spreadsheet form last week of Amazon orders. 

Emily Barajas 2/20/18

Today was a simple day and didn't do a lot of work. I started off by filing papers into cabinets. When I finished that I organized receipts used with American Express cards. After I had to put the information into an excel sheet. Then Alex gave me other information to put into a separate excel sheet because it was a different card. Last Yesi gave me a lot of papers that I had to scan to put into SAP. Since I didn't get to finished them all I will continue on it next week.

Jose Sandoval 2/20/2018

My day today was quick, Once I got to my desk I asked Steve for some scans. Then he gave me some invoices, after that I worked on Melanie's scans all day which took long to finish.

Lizbeth Morales 2/14/18

My day today went by fast. The first thing I did was helped Osmara update "Meeting Minutes" document for our safety committee. We went upstairs to the bake sale Ideal Contracting had to support the American Diabetes's Association and Cancer Society. I updated  Frank's Amazon orders and helped Sylvia organize invoices in alphabetical order.

Alexander Ramirez 02/13/18

Today was fast and simple. In the morning Kala gave me the assignment to file 5 stacks of paid invoices and what I needed to do was file the paid invoices into file cabinets that were assigned to. That assignment took me around half of the morning to do. When I was done with Kala's work, Julie gave me envelopes that needed to be glued and stamped. It didn't take me long to finish. There was about 30 minutes till my lunch break so Kala gave me open invoices that needed to be organized alphabetically and by date. I didn't finish what she gave me so I decided to do the rest after my break. After I was done with my break I headed back to accounting and noticed that there were a another stack of open invoices that needed to be organized. I finished organizing both of them and put the two stacks together and started to file the open invoices into the Ideal Shield cabinet. After that, Julie gave me envelopes that contained invoices that needed drop ships printed out but first I ha...

Jose Sandoval 2/13/2018

Today was a quick day, I came in and grabbed the invoices that Steve had left me. Right after that he gave me some scans to do which was the same thing I did last week. Then Mel gave me some of her scans which I did on Sugar, then I divided some papers and put them in order from 3. I then helped out Mel for the rest of the day doing scans

Jose Sandoval 2/6/2018

Once I got to my desk, I put my things down and went to Steve's desk. I grabbed the invoices that were left and I mailed them out. After that Steve gave me more and I mailed those out as well, Afterwards he gave me some scans which I put them in the 2018 Sales Order folder. Then Melanie gave me some scans to do for the rest of the day. I then switched to Steve again and I started to type my blog to finish up for the day.

Alexander Ramirez 02/06/18

Today went pretty fast. In the morning Julie gave me 5 stacks of paid invoices to file into the cabinets. Each stack had an assigned company to file in. That assignment took me half an hour to do. Kayla gave me the next assignment and that was to print out PO's and see if invoices have been delivered.I did half of  Kayla's assignment which took me the rest of the morning to do. It was time for my break. When I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting and started to work on the assignment again. The rest of the assignment was easy I only needed to print out the tracking for the ones that were delivered. Once I was done with that Kayla gave me two envelopes which contained paid invoices that needed to be stamped. I was done with that and only an hour remained. Kayla gave me checks for DUNDEE and TOLEDO, I needed to staple these checks onto paid invoices. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall,today was a 10!! 

Emily Barajas 2/6/18

today I started off by mailing birthday cards like I do every week. then I also started organizing American express papers and receipts. after I scanned a few papers. in the afternoon I mostly worked on organizing file folders and taking the ones that were terminated out.

Lizbeth Morales 1/31/18

This week what I mostly did was work on receipts. I had to find missing ones from a list that Pat gave me. After I went back to Frank's Amazon Orders from 2017 and entered in the data on an excel sheet. The last project I worked on was updating the Ideal Intern's board.

Alexander Ramirez 01/30/18

Today was slow and easy.In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to file 6 stacks of  paid invoices into the file cabinets where we organize them all at.That assignment only took me 30 minutes to do. Kayla gave me checks and my assignment was to staple them onto open invoices from the Dundee file cabinet and then put the paid invoices into the paid section of the cabinet. Took me around an hour to do. Once I was done with that Kayla said she had a project for me to do. She gave me a piece of paper with companies and their vendor names.The project was for me to search up vendor names on sage and see if we had 2018 paid invoices. Some companies did and some not. After knowing what companies had 2018 paid invoices, I had to get up and go to the file cabinet labeled "Ideal Shield" and see if the 2018 paid invoices had matched up with the Net terms that they were supposed to have. That project took me the whole day to do.The last assignment I was given was to open envelopes and...

Jose Sandoval 1/30/2018

Once I settled down, I went to Steve's desk and grabbed some invoices. After that he handed me some more to do, then Steve gave me scans to do after words. Then Mel gave me some scans to do and I did that for the rest of the day on Sugar.

Lizbeth Morales 1/23/18

Most of the day today, I worked on the preparing invitations for Yesenia's baby shower. I cut out the invitations and the registry cards. Then printed address labels and return labels for the envelopes. Once I finished them, I placed all the invitations  in envelopes and sent them out. Afterwards Osmara logged me on to Amazon to print all of Frank's Amazon orders from the year 2017.

Alexander Ramirez 1/23/18

Today was pretty easy. In the morning Kayla gave an assignment. The assignment was to put checks inside some envelopes and take them to the stamping machine. That only took an hour to do. Julie gave me the next assignment and that was to file paid invoices into certain file cabinets I did  at least 5 stacks of them. That assignment took about an hour. Once I was done with that, Kayla gave me checks for Dundee and Toledo. I was suppose to find open invoices and staple them on to these checks if there company names were on them. I had 30 minutes till my lunch break so Kayla gave me 3 stacks of invoices that needed mostly drop ships,tracking,and PO numbers. I did a bit before my lunch break. When I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting. That assignment Kayla gave me before my lunch break took me the rest of the day to do. What took me so long was that I went over them a bunch times and found some that I missed. Overall, today was productive!!!

Emily Barajas 1/23/17

   Today was an easy day. The first thing I did was finish the American Express excel sheet from last week. When I finished, I organized all of the papers that went with them and put them on Alex's desk. When I finished I filed a bunch of papers. In the afternoon I started making folders for new hires and organized their papers where they went. Last, I labeled two folders for Yesi.

Jose Sandoval 1/23/2018

Once I put all my things away, I headed for Steve's desk and I grabbed the invoices that he leaves for me in the morning. After I finished the invoices, he gave me some scans to do and I didn't stop doing them till around 11. After that I went to Mel and she gave me some other scans to do on Sugar (Website) and I finished them around 12. Then I went to ask Steve for some more work but he ran out but he found someone else and she gave me post cards to mail out and I finished around 3 o'clock, last thing I did was my blog.

Lizbeth Morales 1/17/18

I started off today finishing tasks that Sylvia had left for me last week. Such as filing invoices, alphabetically from the years 2016 and 2017. I made a new folder for the 2018 new invoices and made labels for all of the folders. After that I updated Frank's Amazon orders in an Excel spreadsheet. Later I helped Enrique organize and file scans, by order number and type of document. Overall I would say today was pretty cool because I got to learn how to make labels using different websites and how to file scans.

Alexander Ramirez 01-16-18

Today was simple.In the morning Julie gave me the assignment to print out PO's and delivery receipts for 3 stacks of invoices that needed them. That only took around half of the morning to do. Kayla gave me assignment to match up the invoices PO number with the emailed invoices that had the same PO number but with the tracking numbers and print out the delivery receipts and the drop ships. Once I had the tracking numbers written down I started to print out everything i needed. That assignment took the rest of the morning and it was time for my lunch break. I headed back to accounting and asked Kayla if she needed me to do anything else but she didn't have anything for me so she asked Trevor. Trevor gave me sheets of invoices that needed to be scanned. After scanning he gave me a long assignment. It was to go to my email and view some PDFs and save them by their customer numbers into the 2018 Ideal Steel files.  That assignment took the whole day. Overall,today was awesome!!

Emily Barajas 1/16/17

Today was a pretty easy day. I started off by mailing birthday cards like I do every week. After, Alex gave me some American Express papers so I can organize them. after I scanned a few papers into the computer. I also created folders and filed them into a cabinet. Last Alex showed me a new thing I will start to do which is filling out the American express information on excel.

Jose Sandoval 1/16/2018

Today went by fast, one I was at my chair I grabbed some invoices that were left from last week. After I finished them, I saw some more and put those in the machine so that they can be mailed. After the invoices I got some papers from Mel so I can rearrange them and after that I put them in a folder on Sugar, I also got some from Steve but I didn't need to use sugar since his are made differently.

Lizbeth Morales 1/10/18

This morning, as soon as I walked into the building, I fed Frank's fish and made sure they weren't dead. I checked with Osmara if she had any work for me. She sent me an excel sheet to fill out with names of machines from the Ideal Steel and Shield shops and their numbers. Once I got done, I organized receipts with their card numbers and dates, also updated Frank's amazon orders. Later, Sylvia had me organize paid orders from 2017, alphabetically and by date. Overall my day went by really fast.

Alexander Ramirez 01-9-18

Today was pretty alright. In the morning I had a rough start, Kayla gave me the assignment to rip off 2/3 thirds of stapled checks on the paid invoices but I didn't listen and only took 1/3 of the checks off so I went back to Kayla and she explained it one more time but I did not listen again and took off all the checks. I fixed my mistakes and finally was done with the assignment only taking me half of the morning. My next assignment was to file 4 stacks of open invoices into certain cabinets and certain vendors. It took me around 2 hours and my lunch break started. Once I was done with my lunch break I headed back to accounting. Kayla gave me the assignment to find open invoices in the Dundee and Toledo cabinets and staple a check on them. When I was done, there wasn't that much time left so she gave me one more assignment. It was to print out Drop Ships and find out the tracking numbers for the open invoices for ideal shield. Overall today was productive!!

Jose Sandoval 1/9/2018

Today went by fast, I started off by doing scans. After that I asked Melanie for some papers if I could arrange any. After that I went to Steve and gave me some invoices.

Emily Barajas 1/9/18

           Today was a good day back from break. I started the morning of by printing off American Express papers, and also organizing all the receipts. Once I finished, I filed a lot of papers that had been collected during the time I wasn't here. In the afternoon I scanned a few papers so the can be put into the computer. Then I started with January's birthday cards and started mailing a few in. Last I filed a few more papers. One thing I really liked about today is that I finally got my own cubicle. That was really nice to have starting the new year.

Christian Perales 1/8/2018

Today was my first day at Ideal in 2018 because of a snow day on Friday the 5th. I was happy to be back because I enjoy working with the Ideal Steel team. In the morning I caught up on scans and got everything updated that I missed over my break. After all of that was done I worked with Joe on how to do Estimates. Joe gave me a mini lesson on how to enter the numbers and soon after I had my first project. In the afternoon, Joe and I went over the estimates I made and corrected a few things. I am excited to do more in the future because it is exciting to learn new jobs and it helps give me more work experience.

Lizbeth Morales 1/3/18

Today I completed many things. The first thing I did was update Frank's amazon orders. I later helped Osmara bring out all the toys from Frank's office as they were getting donated. I then helped Alex complete the excel sheet she gave me. Lastly I organized receipts and put folders back into their files.