
Showing posts from September, 2018

Eric Perez Work day 9-27-18

What I learn: Today helped Osmara make Baptism favors. They were for Graciela's baptism. I had to put a small rosary in a white bag. I scanned papers and removed the clips from the papers. I put them into the recycle bin. I also sent emails to other people. I completed  my vision and mission statement  and I put it on the wall.  Overall today was a good experience. 

LIzbeth Morales 9/26/18

Today, I started off making changes on the Ideal Interns' Board, and filed some invoices for Sylvia. I attended the monthly Executive Review meeting. Through that meeting, I learned many different things, the most important being that the little things count and need to be addressed. Later, I worked on a flyer for an upcoming community event and headed off to another meeting. This meeting was with the James Group company and we discussed plans for the community Halloween event. Overall today was productive and I learned a lot. 

Emily Barajas 09/25/2018

Today was another easy day. In the morning all I did was file. In the afternoon I continued working on Fifth third like always and then handed it back to Alex. Overall today was a good work day.

Jaquelin Roblero 9/25/2018

Today was a pretty boring and slow day. I worked on invoices that Melanie handed me in the morning and for the rest of the day Steve gave me papers to scan and file.

Lizbeth Morales 9/19/2018

Today I started the day like I normally do, filing and starting to work on the Ideal Interns' board. Later Frank brought in cakes to give out around the building, so Osmara and I helped him prepare and pass out the cake. Rossie and I went outside by Universal Logistics to take pictures around the fence and the after work of GM Cares Week. After we came back Sylvia took me to the Mitchel Kiefer press conference. It was a very meaningful and great experience. I was able to meet Steve Kiefer, and realized what one push of a button from your own phone could do to help save lives. Overall today was a good and productive day.

Emily Barajas 9/18/2018

Today was a slower day than usual. The only thing I did was continue to work on Fifth Third reports for the month of August. I also attached papers into SAP that Yesi would send me.

Lizbeth Morales 9/12/2018

Today I started my day by going over to the marketing department to meet with Alex and Sarah. I had pictures taken and answered some quick questions. I then went outside to Building C for teamGM Cares Week. I got there just after the groups were made, so I just caught up with the first one I saw. We walked all the way to Holy Redeemer grade school to cleaned up the Peace Garden and put down mulch. After lunch, we went back to Holy Redeemer but this time we began work on the convent, in front of the church. We cleared the back of the fence from trash, weeds, and extra dirt. Overall my day was great because I got to spend time with students from Rochester College, 8th Graders from Holy Redeemer, and GM volunteers. 

Emily Barajas 09/11/2018

Today was a really busy day. Since I used to work all summer full time I had more work to catch up on. I began with a new fifth third for the month of August. I did the excel sheet with took all morning. In the afternoon once I was finished with the excel I began parking the information into SAP for the ones that have already been turned in. Last I scanned the papers with the receipts and also put them into SAP.

Lizbeth Morales 9/5/2018

Today, my morning went by quick. I started off, as usual, feeding the fish and getting the conference  room ready, because there was going to be visitors. The visitors were students from Rochester College that were learning about social entrepreneurship corporate responsibility. I went to the meeting and gave them a tour. After we wrapped up the meeting I learned that I will be leading them in the garden next week for GM Cares Week. I later hung flyers about Ideal's new Cristo Rey interns and GM Cares Week. I called restaurants to confirm food orders for next week. After that I helped Rossie copy an list of tasks on Excel onto a Word Document. Overall I had a very productive first day back.

Emily Barajas 09/04/2018

Today was the first day of work starting the school year. Nothing really changed for me since I worked all summer so I only left for a week. The first thing I did was check my emails and see what i had to work on, or things I still had to finish from the last time I was here which was finishing up the last of July's fifth Third report. When I finished Jim asked if I can type something up on word for him, which took most of the day. The Last thing I did was attach a few documents Yesi asked me to do Into SAP.