
Showing posts from May, 2018

Lizbeth Morales 5/30/18

Today I started off helping Sylvia file invoices and cards. After I got done Osmara had me call magazine companies to check up on the subscription statues. I later updated the interns board and mailed invoices for Steve. For the rest of the day I helped Alex mail and prepare envelopes.

Jose Sandoval 5/29/2018

I worked on invoices in the morning then I switched over to scans , at first it was Mel's scans but I went to Steve later and he gave me more scans.

Lizbeth Morales 5/23/18

Today, like most days, was productive. I started off checking the Amazon account for new orders and updating the interns wall. I then made sure we had the newest cut sheets to put in folders. While searching for updated sheets we needed a new community flyer and I was able to create it. After, I organized all the folders with the cut sheets, I helped Osmara match receipts with their credit card, date, and, amounts. Lastly Sylvia asked me to make some labels for her. Overall my day was good.

Jose Sandoval 5/22/2018

Today was okay, I started my day off by doing invoices like any other day. Once I got done with the invoices I switched to Melanie's scans and I worked on them until the end of the day.

Alexander Ramirez 05/22/18

Today was very fast. In the morning I greeted Kala and she was the first person to give me an assignment and that was to Print tracking, PO, and to find out where the Tracking numbers were. There were stacks of invoices that needed that. The assignment didn't take me that long to finish. My next assignment was delayed so Kala handed me over to Trevor. Trevor gave me some papers that needed  to be scanned but the machine wasn't working so Trevor decided to give me steel invoices that needed their Drop ships to be printed out for em. after that assignment Alex from marketing went to my desk and gave me a huge stack of  folders and advertisements for Ideal Steel bollards. all I needed to do was insert the pages inside of the folder in order. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. overall, today was productive!!!!!

Emily Barajas 05/22/2018

            Today was a simple day since Alex was not here. In the morning I was finishing up the April 5/3 papers and put them into SAP. In the afternoon Alex left me some filing to do and I did that. I also created new folders for new hires. Last I mailed a few birthday cards like always.

Christian Perales 5-18-18

Today was a good day, much like many other work days at Ideal. In the morning I went to my desk and started on scans, sometimes I have a lot and it takes me a little longer to complete. After I finished them, I did some research on Speed Reading upon Sylvia's request. After I got the information needed it was already past 11 and I stared on a small project that I could come back to after lunch. After I fished lunch and the project, I had a meeting with Frank and Sylvia. The meetings with Frank and Sylvia are always nice and this meeting was about preparing me for when I'm going to go to Dartmouth in the fall. After the meeting I went to be desk and met with Hector and eventually Joe about what I will be working over the summer.

Jose Sandoval 5/15/2018

I started off my day by doing invoices like any other. I didn't finish them till 10 o'clock, then I switched to scans and did it for the rest of the day. Today went by fast and I enjoyed it today, can't wait to come back next week.

Alexander Ramirez 05/15/18

In the morning my first assignment was to open mail from Monday and stamp them stating that they have been received. It took me a while because some of the papers that were inside the envelope needed their tracking or Po's printed out. Once I was done with that for the rest of the day I had to help Alex mail advertisements about our bollards. I finished all of the mails. I did 300+ mailing. Today was fast,easy, and fun!!

Lizbeth Morales 5/9/2018

Today I started off checking for new orders on the Amazon account and looked for updates to put up on the inters board. I also helped Osmara pack and organize shirts for the Women Rock Science event at Cranbrook Science Center. Later I went to Cristo Rey with Osmara and Rossie for the job fair sign up. I created an  excel sheet with the names we received at the Cristo Rey job fair. Overall today went be fast.

Emily Barajas 05/08/2018

Today I did a few things only. I Began my day by filing a stack of papers. When I was finished I started April's 5/3 expense sheets and organized the receipts. Then I put the information all into an excel sheet. Last I started posting them into SAP.

Jose Sandoval 5/8/2018

I started off my day by working on invoices, after that I switched to Scans. Then I started to arrange some papers, finally I worked on scans and ended the day their.

Alexander Ramirez 05/08/18

Today was slow and easy. In the morning Juli gave me a couple of Invoices that needed their tracking printed out. The small assignment took me around 20 minutes to do. Once I was done with that assignment Juli told me that the rest of the day I had to help Alex. Alex gave me a big box of mail that needed to be stick on with addresses. The mail was to advertise our bollards to companies and schools around the world. I did that assignment for the whole day. I didn't get finished with the assignment. I did 370 mails. Overall, Today was alright for me.  

Lizbeth Morales 5/7/18

Today was a fun day. I started off helping Melanie and Steve sending out invoices, and mailers for Alex. Alex also had me make some minions from Ideal bollard covers. After I filled some forms for Osmara and went with her to the 4th graders Entrepreneur class at Holy Redeemer grade school. When we got gone with the class she took me to get a treat and we talked about how school/work was going. Overall my day was great.

Emily Barajas 5/1/2018

Today was a good day to the start of the month. When I first got here I hole punched papers I had from yesterday. After I went to Alex to see what she had for me to do. She gave me the New 5/3 Statement for the month of April and the excel sheet. I had to fix the excel Sheet so that the number matched up with the papers she had given me, which took mostly all morning. In the Afternoon Yesi gave me a few papers to attach into the computer. Then, I filed a bunch of papers. Last I mailed birthday cards per usual and put the papers I hole punched into a binder.

Jose Sandoval 5/1/2018

In the morning I worked on the scans that I didn't finish yesterday. After that I worked on invoices, then more scans but it was Melanie's instead.

05/1/18 Alexander Ramirez

Today was a good day. In the morning Juli gave me 3 stacks of invoices that needed either Drop ships or their tracking to be printed out. Took me a while to finish because some of the invoices were missing tracking numbers so I had to find them. Those 3 stacks took me half of the morning. Before going to lunch Kala told me to visit Alex so she can give me an assignment.  So I did and the assignment she gave me was a 6 stacks of paper. I had to organize them by page number and then stuff them inside of big white envelopes. It was to advertise our bollards to companies around the area. That assignment took me the rest of the day to do. Overall, today was productive!!