
Showing posts from March, 2019

Daniel's Weekly Blog

MY Weekly Blog  Today was kinda of a busy day. Today I started labeling 198 postcards and then sending them out. Once I had finished all of the postcards I continued on working on a excel list that I was still doing from the past 2 weeks which kept me occupied all day and probably more days because it's a big list but hopefully I'll get finish it soon. But overall it was an excellent day. 

Eric Perez 3/18/19

              Eric Perez       Today I began my day in helping Steve to mail some invoices out. Before lunch I had to do a lot of mailers for Alex that were for the Companies of Costco. At the end I made an Excel list about all the locations in the US of Andy's Frozen Custard companies.  

Lizbeth Morales 3/27/19

Today was a productive day. I made two flyers for community events. I created an instruction sheet for an app. I input receipts on an excel sheet and called bakeries to ask for specific orders. Overall the I learned a lot today.

Jaquelin Roblero 3/26/2018

Today was like any normal day. I worked on invoices and scans. Today was a pretty good and productive day.

Eric Perez 3/22/19

    Eric Perez     I began my day with mailing invoices for Steve. Then I went upstairs to help Ashley with filing some papers that needed to have the same job and purchase number. After lunch, I did the scans that Brandi told me to file in the folder that had the "SO", that stands for sale order, and to find the right folder that had the same job number to put it in.    

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog Today was an amazing day. Today I worked with Ideal Steel with Jeff. I worked on printing copies which were for some companies that needed a revise copy to keep every file updated. I ask a question to Jeff about the big roll paper rolls and he told me that it was for construction for ideal or other company's but he said about the weight, how it will be holding us. At the end of the day it was so awesome working with Jeff.

Lizbeth Morales 3/20/2019

Today I started my day by updating the safety meeting notes. I hung up some posters for the opening day at DHDC and mailed invoices. I later, updated the interns board and the safety walk thrus after I got them from Jose and Abel. Lastly, I continued working on the excel spreadsheet with the mailing lists.

Emily Barajas 3/19/2019

Today I worked on a few different things than usual. I first was given a list of current employees and I organized it in alphabetical order so it can be easier for me to go and find each name. Since there is a lot of employees this took most of the morning. In the afternoon I was given another list of names and I had to look for their specific paperwork. When I finished I handed it Jasmine.

Daniel's Weekly blog

My Weekly Blog 3/14/19 Today was a busy day like always. I did some invoices for Steve Synder and I also learned how to refund the mailing machine when it's on low funds. I did tasks that Alex Santori told me to do like filing envelopes which were for schools's to keep there student's safe and also postcards for  companies to keep there facilities safe and later on mailed them. Once I was done with all of the postcards and envelopes Alex told me to continue on an excel list that Lizbeth Morales started yesterday.I  didn't manage to finish all of the excel list but hopefully I finish it or Lizbeth does for next week. But overall today was a great day.

Eric Perez 3-14-19

            Eric Perez 3-14-19     Today I began working on passing newspapers to all the people in building A, for Rossie.   I mailed some invoices for Teresa and opened mails to put a mark, that said delivered. Then I went upstairs to help Ashley to do some filing before and after lunch. At the end of the day I went to Joe Rodgers to scan and mail him papers labeled with their load number, and job number. Overall today was a nice day because I helped a lot of people. 

Jaquelin Roblero 3/12/2019

Today I worked on invoices and scans. I started with invoices like always and proceeded to work on scans. After I finished with my work we went to go help Osmara with setting up for an even that DCRHS will be having in building c. Overall, today was a good day.

Jaquelin Roblero 3/8/2019

Today I started my day with scans since I didn't get to finish them on Tuesday. Then Steve gave me invoices to mail out and so I mailed them out when I was finished with them and then Steve gave me more scans which I finished my day with. Overall my day was fine.

Daniel's Blog

My Weekly Blog 3/7/19 Today was a busy day like every other week. Today I worked on filling mailers up which were for to keep your facilities safe. Also I worked on an excel list by listing the addresses of the company  which the company name was Take 5 Oil change, I wasn't able to finish it all but I hope I finish it next week. But overall my day went fast.

Eric Perez 3-7-19

            Eric Perez 3-7-19       Today was a nice day. I began my sending some invoices for Steve. Then I mailed out some folders for Alex that were for the schools in the U.S. Later after lunch, I went upstairs to help with filing some papers with their same job number.     

Lizbeth Morales 3//2019

Today I started my day, as usual, filing invoices for Sylvia. I then called a restaurant to order food for next Monday. I also called a magazine company to ask about our subscription status. Later, I left with Sylvia to Building B and went through old boxes of files. We  recycled about half of the stuff and separated the rest.When I came back, I sent out mailers and invoices. Lastly, I started on an excel sheet for Alex with mailing addresses. Overall my day went by pretty fast.

Emily Barajas 3/5/2019

  Today was a easy day at work with again only a few task to do. I began my morning by filing papers like every other week. I also created labels for new file folders for 2019. In the afternoon I continued to file more paperwork into folders.

Jaquelin Roblero 3/5/2019

Today was a busy I day I worked on invoices and scans. In the morning I always start with invoices and then I proceed to work on scans after I finish with the invoices. Overall today was a good day.