
Showing posts from December, 2019

Jose Mendez

Today was a pretty busy day. I filed invoices and scanned papers. Sage was downloaded to my computer so I could date waivers of lein. I finished archiving jobs into a spreadsheet and also helped set up for a potluck tomorrow. I enjoyed working today since I have become more comfortable here and I learn many things such as how an office works.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog Today at Ideal Group was a great day. Today I updated Mr. Venegas excel list for Amazon. Later on I helped Pat Wells, and Osmara Zarate to carry the gifts of the family to the car that Ideal Group adopted. Once I was finished adding the reciptes in the Amex sheet I went on to helped Alex Santori with postcards.

Eric Perez 12-18-19

Today I started my day with doing some invoices from Steve Snyder that needed to be mailed out. Then the rest of the day I did arou nd three hundred forty scans in total today that needed to be save in the system of the Ideal Shield Company. 

Lizbeth Morales 12/17/19

Today I organized boxes of pictures. I separated them by categories of company job, event, and  products. Since Alex is working on a special project for the companies 40 years, I am going through and organizing all the pictures.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/16/2019

As usual, I ordered fruit in the morning. After I finished ordering the fruit I worked on invoices and mailed them out. Today I learned how to wrap presents, I never thought that I was going to learn how to wrap presents at this job. I wrapped the presents for the Fonseca family and after wrapping all the presents I worked on a few more invoices and input receipt information into an excel worksheet. After all that I went around the building passing out phone holders that go on the car air vents. Overall, today was a good and productive day.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal Group was a busy day. I helped Osmara Zarate, and Pat Wells on setting up for two meetings. One of the meetings were for GM, and the other one was Marsh/Chubb. Eric Perez and I greeted the people for each meeting, and lead them to their meetings. After the meetings were over I continued on the Amazon excel list. Later on Abel Gutierrez came and told Pat Wells about the flyers for the Potluck Holiday if we can translate it to Spanish because most of the workers understand Spanish more; I translated the flyer, and then I told Osmara Zarate to check if the flyer was okay to be sent to Alex Santori so that she can decorate the background. I enjoyed translating the flyer in Spanish because it's something that I want to do as a career in the future.

Eric Perez 12/11/19

Today I was a productive day here at Ideal. I started my day by mailing some invoices for Steve Snyder. Then they call me to be a guide for a little while for the people that came for the two meetings that where taking place in building A. I had to greet the people that wa s coming and guide them to the right meeting they were here for. At the end I did scans that were around  three hundred twenty scans in total that needed to be file in the system.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/9/2019

Today was a boring but productive day. I ordered fruit as I do every Monday morning and from there I went to Steve for work and he gave me invoices and scans. There were a few invoices and a lot of scans. I got through all the scans without a problem. Overall today was a good day.

Emily Barajas 12/06/2019

Today was a pretty busy day with lots of different work to do. I began my day by doing what I do each week which is file employee folders. Since the cabinet was getting packed and I couldn't put in files anymore I had to move folders to different cabinets to try to have more space. I then created labels for new hired bi-weekly employees so they can have their own files as well. Julie had given me a cart full of files I had to get rid of so I began that in the afternoon. I removed staples and separated the paper and the file folders. I put the papers in the shred box and saved the file folders so they could be reused.

Jose Mendez

 Today I mostly worked with paper. When I got here I was given the task of voiding drawings that had newer revisions and sorting them into one stack and stapling them. The staple did not go through so I had to split the stack in half and then staple them. Once that was done I printed some drawings and went downstairs where I folded and labeled a different set of drawings for Joe Rodgers. I also scanned some papers for Trevor. I went back upstairs where I was instructed to go over a set of drawings and see how much it would cost to build the materials in the drawings. After that I took my lunch break and after that I filed some invoices. I also worked on a spreadsheet. I feel that I have learned more and strive to gain more experience next week.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal Group was great. I was told to keep track of Mr. Venegas Amazon orders for work purposes in the excel list; in the excel list I typed down what was returned, gifted, and what was for Holy Redeemer. I followed the instructions to return the sixteen wearable speakers by labeling the bar codes to the Amazon box that is gonna be shipped back to Amazon; then I hand the Amazon box to Steve Snyder so that he could finish the final touches to be sent off. 

Eric Perez 12-4-19

Today I started my day by mailing out some invoices for Steve that he told me to do first. Then I did around  three hundred eighty scans that needed to be file in the system with the filing application that I have been using. At the end I helped Alex with mailing something for her.

Jaquelin Roblero 12/2/2019

Today my day was pretty productive and it went pretty fast. As usual I worked on invoices and scans and as every Monday I ordered fruit and distributed it to its three different destinations which are the admins kitchen, shield kitchen and upstairs in contracting.  Today I also worked on an excel worksheet where I had to input family information for the families who are being helped for the Operation   "Holiday Joy"   2019 .   I made this spreadsheet so that people can sign off on things that they are going to donate to the family.