
Showing posts from November, 2018

Eric Perez 11/29/18

Today was a normal workday because I started to work in making postcards for Ideal Shield, to help my classmate Daniel finish early. Then I went upstairs to work in Contracting. I helped put papers in the same folder that had the same job number and same name of the company. Then I came back downstairs to help Steve in scan some papers to see if they were in their correct folders. Today I'm happy because its almost Christmas time.   

Daniel's Weelky Blog

My Weekly Blog Today me and my friend Eric Perez were like bullets, we were busy, I worked on stuffing documents in the envelopes. The documents that went inside of the envelopes were for colleges and also they were mail to California. Once I had finish mailing the envelopes I helped Sylvia on organizing Mr.Venegas thank you cards and happy birthday cards that were mail to him, I organize the cards by last names. Me and my friend Eric Perez helped Steve on scanning the orders of the sells, we finish some of them but finish the ones that were given to us and now where just ending the day with a blog.

Lizbeth Morales 11/28/2018

Today I started working on the mailing list for Alex. I also passed out Group Scoop flyers to people around the building. I then cut out pictures for Rachel and continued on the mailing list. After I finished I helped Osmara with the Safety Red Book updates. Overall my day went by fast.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/27/2018

Today was a good day. Today in the morning I worked on invoices and scans for Steve and in the afternoon I mailed out two big stacks of mail for Alex. After I finished mailing the mail I put labels on big envelopes and put two flyers in each envelope. Overall, today was a productive day.

Emily Barajas 11/27/2018

Today was an easy day and only consisted of me doing a few things. I began by organizing receipts that I had gotten with a report for Octobers fifth third and then put it into SAP. I had a few other ones I had to check with Alex because there were errors with a few codes. When I had finished with all that I continued working on making folders for new employees and filing the papers for rehires. This took the rest of the day since it is time consuming.

Emily Barajas 11/20/2018

Today was a very productive day. In the morning I mostly worked on October fifth third and organizing any receipts I had gotten. I then scanned all the finished expense log onto my computer. One problem I had was when I was trying to attach the expense logs into SAP. In the afternoon, since I couldn't attach any files, I created more folders for new hires and also looked for the folders for rehires. When I finished with all the folders I placed them back into the cabinets.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/20/2018

Today was a boring day. Like always I started of with the invoices and mailed them out. Decided to fold invoices because I prefer folding the papers than being lazy and having a machine do it for me. Folding papers is something I'm used to since I would do it every time I would go to work at my old job. Removed the staples from the scans and worked on scans for the rest of the day. Overall, today was a productive day.

Lizbeth Morales 11/16/18

Today, I helped the Marketing Department create mailing lists on Excel. I finished the list from Wednesday, witch had over 600 addresses. Then, I started on another mailing list from a different website. Overall, today I completed the most mailing addresses I ever had in one day.

Eric Perez 11-15-18

Today I started my day by grabbing my computer. Then I went to see if anyone needed help from me. Later I helped Steve to email some invoices. Then later I got tired because the rest of the day I helped my classmate Daniel Hernandez to make a lot of envelopes for the Catholic schools around the United States but we did not finish because we had to go early but anyway they arrived for us at the same time like always. By the way, I was happy because the folding machine is working again.

Daniel's weekly blog

11/15/18 My weekly Blog  Today was a very busy day, I was stuffing envelopes with documents for colleges and also I was labeling the address in the envelopes, my friend Eric Perez help me on the other envelopes, my friend Eric didn't finish stuffing the documents in the envelopes and I did finish stuffing the documents in the envelopes but the one thing I didn't finish is mailing  the envelopes because Cristo Rey send an email to one of the workers from admin and then told me and Eric that we were gonna get out at 3.00pm, that's why I didn't have time mailing the envelopes and also I need to wrap this  blog up so goodbye and happy thanksgiving.

Lizbeth Morales 11/13/18

Today I helped Alex all morning creating mailing sheets. I completed 3 lists and started on my fourth. Then went to check up with Osmara, and she had a quick task for me. I had to make a excel budget sheet and input information from receipts. I also made some labels to put on boxes for Sylvia. Came back to the Marketing Department and continued working on the mailing sheets. Overall my day went by quick, because I sat in a different location surrounded with people I don't always get to talk to.

Emily Barajas 11/13/2018

Today was a slow day for me. In the morning I put invoices Yesi had sent me into SAP. I also made a copy of Loren's Fifth third and went downstairs to give it to Pat. In the afternoon I only worked on Fifth third and organizing any more receipts I got.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/13/2018

Today was a good day. I started off with invoices that Steve had for me and when I finished with those invoices I mailed them out. After I came back, Steve gave me more invoices to fold and mail out. When I finished with the invoices, Steve gave me papers that needed to be cut in half and so I cutted them and then Alex came with more and so I cutted them. Then Steve came over with more invoices that needed to be folded and so I folded them, put them in there envelopes, and mailed them out. After that Steve handed me some scans to do and so I worked on a few of them before I went to lunch. After lunch Osmara took me to Starbucks and it was a good experience because it was my first time ever getting something from there. After we got back, I kept working on scans. Overall it was a productive day.

Emily Barajas 11/09/2018

This week was a busy week for me. I worked both Tuesday and Friday so I had time to get more work done. I began Octobers fifth third so I had to type all the expenses and descriptions to an excel sheet. I also coded it and sent it back to Alex. I then began to copy any of the reports I had gotten sent back and parked them into SAP. Also this week I taped the receipts that i had gotten from employees as well. Other smaller jobs was to attach invoices into SAP.

Lizbeth Morales 11/7/2018

Today was a good day. I started off filing Silvia's paid invoices and updating building A's safety maps. To update the safety maps, I walked around the building looking for fire extinguishers, alarms, and first aid kits. Later, Frank came in and brought cannolis. We went to all the buildings giving them away. We made sure everyone got some, and came back to the office and I continued to help Sylvia. The last thing I had to do was search for an address and package a gift. Overall today went by fast.

Jaquelin Roblero 11/6/2018

Today was a busy day. When I got here Steve gave me invoices to work on, when I finished he gave me scans to take out the staples and when I finished that I gave him back the scans so that he could scan them. Then he gave me scans to check if they had been put into there folder, gave me a stack of papers to cut, and invoices. I statred to work with the imvoices but then he told me to get the papers cut fisrt because they needed them. I finished cutting the papers and then I finished folding the invoices. When I came back from lunch I put the invoices in envelopes and put the scans that he sent me when he scanned the scans into their files. When I finished with those scans I went through the scans that were mixed up and seperated them in two different piles, one which was done and the other that needed to be scanned. Overall, today was a boring but busy day.

Eric Perez 11/1/18

Today was a good day because I helped Osmara to make and print some Turkey flyers. When I was done printing them I had to put them where people could see them. I helped Steve to make some invoices for Ideal Shield. Later on Osmara wanted Daniel Hernandez and I to move some boxes from Mr. Venegas office and see what was inside of them. I organized the kitchen in the Admin office for Osmara. Then I had to go to the usps website to track envelopes for Accounting.