
Showing posts from September, 2019

Jaquelin Roblero 9/30/2019

Today inputted safety percent's for the Ideal Ideal and Steel production safety walk inspection form and after that I ordered fruit. Osmara and I went downtown to pick up some food that she struggled to order then I was sent to help Ashley file some papers. Overall today was a fine day.

Emily Barajas 09/30/19

Today I only worked on two assignments, which was putting in numbers for PM projects and make folders for new employees. In the morning I continued to work on the PM projects Linda had assigned me, I have been working on it for a while and I was finally able to finish it today. In the afternoon I created folders for new employees so their paperwork could be filed.

Jose Mendez

 Today when I arrived I was given the task of sorting out business cards into a binder. When I finished that I filed papers and typed in information from stapled papers into a spreadsheet. I then went to lunch and after lunch I created a spreadsheet from receipts. I gained a lot experience today and am pretty happy with my day.

Eric Perez 9-25-19

Eric Perez Today I began my day by mailing some invoices that Steve Snyder needed to be mailed out first. I also did a lot scans before and after lunch. In the end I had to cut in half some sheets that were for the instructions of the bumper installations. 

Lizbeth Morales 9/24/19

Today was a pretty normal day. First, I worked on creating mailer list, mailing invoices, and printing labels. Later in the afternoon, Osmara and I went on a adventure to get smoothies for Loren. After, I helped set up for meetings and continued on the excel list.Overall today was a pretty good day!

Jaquelin Roblero 9/23/2019

Today was a pretty relaxed day. In the morning I input receipts into an excel worksheet that keeps track of what has been purchased and by who, I ordered fruit and as soon as it arrived I equally spreaded the fruit out into three baskets, I was also in Frank's office hearing all his stories and receiving advice, and for the majority of the day I was working on the three essays for the Ric Gonzalez Memorial Scholarship.

Jose Mendez

Today I took part in GM care week. I first went to Cristo Rey High School to help dig a 6 inch deep ditch. I worked on that until lunch at 11. Lunch took place in Building C where I also gave a small speech to the workers. After lunch I was taken to another location where I, along with other workers, cleaned up the sidewalk. Towards the end of the day I was taken to Building C where I helped unload equipment and then I went back to Building A to grab my stuff. Today can be summed up as making my back hurt a lot.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today was a great day at Ideal Group. I started out my day by meeting some GM , and Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision workers . Pat Wells, Eric Perez, and I went to the police station to paint the walls along side with three Ideal workers who were in Contracting Safety . We all started to take all the tape off the wall because the paint had already dried up since yesterday; so once we had taken down the tape we painted over a wall. Eric Perez, and I  had never painted before,so we got taught by some Ideal workers, and officers. Once we finish painting the wall we went to another room and painted the three walls which we did not finish because it needs another paint layer.

Lizbeth Morales 9/17/19

Today was a pretty busy day because of GM Cares Week. My project was at Holy Redeemer and Cristo Rey. We  planted plants, weeded gardens, and fixed pathways. Most of the time I helped where ever they needed help. But overall made sure everyone had water.

Jaquelin Roblero 9/16/2019

As soon as we arrived, we immediately changed and went down to Building C. Today I really enjoyed my day because me and Emily were leaders for the group that was going to work on the Scarcyny Park. Some weeds gave us some hard time because they didn't want to come out and so I dislike garden work. For most of the day we took out weeds from the walk pathways, we didn't finish but we accomplished a lot. Overall, today I enjoyed my day out of the office and enjoyed it out in nature.

Emily Barajas 09/16/2019

Today was a really busy day for me since I was outside all day. Since it is GM cares week I was out at scarcyny park leading groups of adults. Most of the morning was weeding and also cleaning up around the park for any garbage that was there. The weeding was mostly in the gravel pathways, which we did not get to finish today but will hopefully get to by the end of the week. In the afternoon, the Mulch arrived and we started laying it around the bushes surrounding the park. Overall there was lots of hard work done in the park and hopefully in the end of the week it will have been improved even more.

Lizbeth Morales 9/13/2019

Today I started working on finishing the excel list from Tuesday. I made sponsor posters, took a picture for the interns board, and mailed mailers. Overall my day was pretty good, because I seen my picture is going to be in the Detroiter Magazine!
Jose Mendez  When I arrived I was given a stack of business cards to sort out alphabetically and then scan. After that I sent photos via email to an employee for marketing. I also scanned papers, prepare mail for shipping, and added up how many hours a job would take. I got more work this week than last but it was still very enjoyable. I also got some popcorn and got to see more. Overall today was a positive experience for me.

Lizbeth Morales

Today I worked on an excel list. For that, I had to google search each item. So, I didn't get to complete a long list, as I usually do. I did complete as much as I could, while helping Admin with the door. Overall, today went by pretty fast.

Jaquelin Roblero 9/9/2019

Today I worked on sending out invoices, summing up checks on excel, I placed an order for fruit, put the fruit in it's designated location, filed 2015 papers, and joined Dennis at lunch for his 20th anniversary. Overall today was a pretty good day.

Jaquelin Roblero 9/6/2019

Today was my first day back to Ideal Group. This year I get to work in the admins office with Osmara, Pat, and Sylvia and well I'm sure I'll learn new things from them. Today I worked on filing safety meeting papers, I filed purchase receipts onto an excel worksheet, I went on an adventure with Osmara to Honey Bee's Market to get some groceries for Carlos Venegas, and then I was told by Sylvia to help her separate and put all her papers in different piles so that she can throw away the unnecessary papers. Overall my first day was pretty good.

Emily Barajas 09/06/2019

Today was my first day as a senior working at ideal contracting. I was given something new to work on from Linda which is what I worked on all day. She taught me in vista how to put in numbers for a specific category for PM projects. I got the hang of it quick so I continued working on it all day, while also asking Linda any questions if I was confused on something. Overall today was a good day to end the week.

Jose Mendez 9/5/19

Me  Today I worked in Ideal Steel. The first thing I was tasked to do was sort out a pile of papers and then put them in folders. After that an employee showed me the lengthy process of proposing a bid to a company. After a 30 minute lunch I had the opportunity to see how to work the printer and scan papers. The next thing I did was trim and roll up 6 large diagrams which had been recently printed. I also got to meet many wonderful people today and overall it was a positively eventful day. 

Im Back!!! Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog Today was a pretty good first day at Ideal Group. On my first day of work I was told to wipe the intern board and replace them with new interns; so what I did was I printed out their names, placement, and their workday. The next thing that I learn from Mr. Venegas, and Jesse Venegas was about underwear; that you can use underwear for four days by reversing the same pair underwear, it was a joke and I thought it was hilarious. Jesse also taught me how to say "always wear underwear" in Latin, I will be teaching my teacher tomorrow. I'm glad to be back.

Eric Perez 9-4-19

Eric Perez Today was my first day of work in here. I began my day with doing some scans for Steve with the new app for filing that makes it more easy and faster than before. After that I helped to complete a Excel list that contained the thirty-four Target locations that needed the tracking number for each one of them. Then after lunch I mailed invoices and put together checks and other documents with the same information with each other.

Lizbeth Morales 9/3/19

Today was my first school work day of my Junior year! I started my day by finishing scans. Then stuffed, labeled, and sent out Ideal Shield mailers to different sports teams. I also had the opportunity to be in an interview with Frank for the Detroiter Magazine. We went outside to show them the gardens and took lots of pictures. Overall, today I had an enjoyable first day!