
Showing posts from January, 2020

Jose Mendez

When I arrived today I went down to the steel guys and scanned papers for them. I also used to Sage to find the invoice number and date for some invoices. I went upstairs where I was tasked with going through files and taking out the 2020 ones. After lunch I finished this and started to put the 2019 files into Iron Mountain boxes. I wrote down the vendor on a sheet of paper then rubber banded the vendor pile together. I felt good about today and look forward to coming back next week.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal Group was a great day. I started my morning by updating Mr. Venegas excel list;I had to print out the amount he spent on the items. Later on I helped Alex Santori  with an excel list. I helped Sylvia Gucken with her receipts by checking the list that Pat Wells needed. I helped Osmara Zarate set up a meeting for the Venegas's.  

Eric Perez 1/29/2020

Today I worked on three assignments. I started on mailing some invoices from the Ideal Shield company that were going to be sent to others companies. Then after that, I did more than two hundred scans with the filing application that makes it faster. Later at the end of the day I helped Alex with putting flyers around building A.  

Lizbeth Morales1/28/20

Today I mainly worked on excel mailing spreadsheets. I finished a list from last week, witch included more than 600 addresses. I took a break of the spreadsheets, and laminated posters. Afterwards started on another worksheet.

Jaquelin Roblero 1/27/2020

Today was a pretty good and productive day. I ordered fruit as I do every Monday, I put on the white board the Clark Street Classic that's coming up, and for the rest of the I worked on  big stack of scans. Osmara also took me and Pat to lunch at Mercury Burger. I really enjoyed it because I got to spend time with them out of the office.

Jaquelin Roblero 1/24/2020

Today I worked on the board making a Winter Memories for the Ideal works to put pictures of  their winter memories. I only worked on scans since Steve has a big stack of  scans that need to be done. Today was a pretty relaxed and productive day. I completed about 300 scans.

Jose Mendez

When I arrived I was given the task of going through folders and ensuring the drawings in them were the latest revision. I deleted 2 older version of the same drawings in the latest revision folder since they were an older revision. After that I created an Excel spreadsheet for grating quotes. I was sent a list of grating quotes to put in the correct place. After lunch I finished that and was tasked finding out the cost per square foot. I did this by multiplying the length by the width of the pieces and dividing that into the price. I filled out some of the pages but did not finish and I will probably finish it next week. I was excited to work on something new and am excited to continue working here.

Eric Perez 1/22/2022

Today I worked on two tasks here in Ideal. The first task I did was mailing out some invoices that Steve gave me to do first thing when I came in. Then I did more than three hundred scans that needed to be filed in the system for people to look for the document afterwards. I also went to see how Mr. Venegas gave some words for the program in Detroit Mercy called "Dual Enrollment" that he started and stills supports it because he wants everyone to have that college experience while students are still in high school.                                        

Lizbeth Morales 1/21/20

Today I continued working on the excel mailing list from last week. I then cut out cards for Alex. The first set of cards were Ideal Shield business cards, and second set were informational cards for the The Kiefer Foundation. Overall today my day went by pretty quick. 

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal Group was great!. I updated Mr. Venegas Amazon list on the excel sheet. Later I helped Osmara Zarate laminate Emergency Plans; then I hung them around the building. Later I went to Carl Okalski to update all the drawings for the vendors. Once I was done with Carl Okalski I refunded a pair of glasses from Amazon. 

Lizbeth Morales 1/17/2020

This week I worked on mailing lists. First I sent 2 lists of mailers. I then started putting papers in envelopes for the next list. Lastly this week I created an excel sheet with a new list of mailing addresses.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today at Ideal Group was a great day. First thing in the morning I helped Osmara Zarate to prepare for a meeting about safety for tomorrow. Later on I went to help Carl Okalski check if the drawings were all in there for him to use. Carl later on taught me about the bid of the drawings for certain buildings that had to be done in order to get approve from the State of Michigan to say that the numbers of the drawings will work. 

Eric Perez 1-15-20

Today I started my day as always. I mailed invoices from the Ideal Shield Company that Steve Snyder gave me in the morning when I came in. Then the rest of the day I did three hundred ninety scans that needed to be saved in the in files with the filing application that I use that makes it more easy and faster.

Jaquelin Roblero 1/13/2020

Today as every Monday morning I ordered fruit for building A. After I ordered fruit I worked on some invoices for Steve and after mailing out the invoices I worked on scans which took me all the way to the end of my day. In between working on scans I filed receipts into the group amex folder. Today was a good and productive day, I didn't have many tasks but scans take up a lot of time.

Jose Mendez

The first task I was given today was to create and rename files for new edits on a job. I then scanned some papers for Joe Rodgers and used Sage to put information on waivers. I finished that after lunch and went upstairs to file invoices. I filled some information onto an excel spreadsheet and took off the ornaments on the white board. Today was pretty good although I forgot some of my passwords and one expired. I thought today was a good day since I did many tasks and took away something from each one.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog   Today at Ideal Group was a great day. When I arrived in the morning I started updating Mr. Venegas excel list. Later on I was sent to Steel to help Carl Okalski. Working with Carl was amazing; I helped him organized his files, and transfer drawings onto a new file. The excel list that I was told to type new information was about renovating the plant paint building.

Eric Perez 1/8/2020

 I only did two things all day. I started with going to Steve Snyder and he gave me some invoices to do first in the morning. Then the second task that I did today was scans, I did a round three hundred scans that needed to be filed in the system with the filing application that I use. 

Jaquelin Roblero 1/6/2020

After being on break for 2 whole weeks I returned to work. Today I started of my day by ordering fruit, after it arrived I distributed it to the three departments (admin, shield, and contracting). As I finished this task, I went to Steve to ask for work and he gave me invoices and scans which took me all the way to the end of my day. But while I was working on scans I also started putting pictures in a USB to pass them on to digital photo frame. Overall, today was a good and productive day.