
Showing posts from January, 2019

Eric Perez 1/24/19

    Eric Perez 1/24/19       Today my day went fast and productive.  First I began my day by helping to make some invoices for Ideal Shield. Then before lunch I mailed a lot postcards that were for other companies around the United States. After lunch I helped Alex to make an Excel list of the Americold locations.     

Daniels weekly blog

My Weekly blog 1/24/19 Today was a busy day. Today I continue on the excel list which was Michigan schools list, it was a bit tiring because I was basically doing the list  all day and also looking at the screen while doing the work tires your eyes. At the end of the day I didn't finish it all, I was half way there but the list was too long, could I have finish the list?maybe if the computer wasn't  slow or had to stop for a couple of minutes, but at the end I try my best to finish it.

Jaquelin Roblero 1/22/2019

Today my day went by really fast but like always I started off my day with invoices and mailed them out, then Steve gave me scans to work on and when I was working on the scans I received an email that said that we are leaving and hour early from work and that made my day even better. Not that I don't like coming to work but this week we have finals and I have to study to do good. Overall today was a good day.

Eric Perez 1/17/19

            Eric Perez 1/17/19     Today was a normal day like the other ones. I began my day by going to a safety meeting with Osmara, and I took some notes about the meeting. Then I went upstairs to file papers, I put them in a folder that had the same job number.  I helped to do some invoices for Steve. After that I did some scans before and after lunch. Then before doing my blog I helped Sylvia put in alphabetical order invoices. Some of them were not in their place.   

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today was a busy day.Today I worked on excel list that Alex email me to do.The excel list was pretty hard because sometimes the address and cities and states where sometimes confusing but i manage to get through them but then I learn while going on to the next company I realize that the zip code was different first of all I didn't knew if it was a zip code so i asked Garret and then Garret ask Ashley and Ashley said that Canada have there zip code with letters and numbers, so then I learned Canada has letters in there zip codes, and yeah I didn't know about that.Once I finish all of the excel list I went on continuing  Michigan schools excel list, I didn't finish it all because it was a lot I hope i finish it soon.Now here we are ending the day with a good bye and see you all next week.  

Lizbeth Morales 1/16/2019

Today was a pretty busy day. I started off updating the Ideal Safety Meeting Notes for tomorrow's safety meeting. I prepared envelops with Charity Preview tickets and a map of a reservation. I later helped Sylvia organized invoices, deposits, and mortgage statements by date and alphabetical order. Then I took a little break and went around to ask if anyone would like to enter a raffle for a chance to win a "Blo-out". Overall today went by pretty quick, and I was pretty busy.

Jaquelin Roblero 1/15/2019

As usual I started of my day with invoices. After I finished the invoices I start working on scans and that's how I finish of my day. Overall it was a good day.

Daniel's Weekly Blog

My Weekly Blog  Today was a quite busy day because I was working on excel lists first list was listing chipotle locations and then when I was done with them I went on to do another excel list which was motion industrial companies, this one took more time because it was kinda confusing most of the time it wasn't like,"Oh there's the address, city, state," it was more like, suite a or d or which unit goes company or address.Once I finished all of it Garret told Alex if there was more work for me and there was I did another list which was about Costco Whole Sale.In this last list I had to find only specific states that Alex sent to me like California, Nevada and and seven other more, I didn't get to finish it all but I hope I finish it tomorrow.

Eric Perez 1/10/19

Eric Perez 1/10/19 Today was my first workday of the new year. I began my day by making a sign about wiping out the equipment that you use in the gym. After I finished  making the sign, I printed it, laminated and putting them in gym. Then I went upstairs to work with Alex from Ideal Contracting, I put papers in a folder that had to have the same job number. Then I helped Steve make some invoices for Ideal Shield. Later to finish my day I did some scans for Steve.     

Lizbeth Morales 1/9/19

Today was my first day back from Christmas break. I started my day by filing invoices for Sylvia. I went upstairs to help Kellie for the rest of the day. She had me wrap gifts and stuffed "Thank You" bags with snacks for the Ideal Contracting Holiday party. Overall my day went by really fast.

Jaquelin Roblero 1/8/2019

Today was a pretty boring day but I guess it feels good to be back. I worked on the usual scans and invoices. I began my day with invoices and mailed them out after I was done with them. Then Steve asked me to double check if some scans were in their correct folder and after I was done with that Steve gave me scans to work on. Overall, today was fine.